Saturday, October 16, 2021

Washington's Death March. (REPLY: Did YOU order your Ivermectin? Pt. 12- Covid Treatment - Kennewick, WA )

 Submitted by: Craig Maus

Sharing w/ALL bcc herein Brethren w/Permission to Forward:


·         I would invite y’all to read these exchanges between our Confederate Brethren (herein & below) detailing the POSITIVE EFFECTS



·         In fact, the exchange between my Texas Confederate Brother, Fred & myself, is but ONE of many exchanges I have had with others like him who have told me they have

SAVED Relatives & Friends by using either of these age-old drugs.


·         Another Confederate Brother told me that he had a close Friend of his who was on Death’s door with NO hope for recovery.

This Brother, and I MUST be careful HERE, was able to SAVE HIS LIFE.

YOU can fill in that blank as to how.

Within 2 (TWO) days he recovered.


·         Did you view the Video our Confederate Society sent this AM (below), thanks to our ALLY, Richard Bachert, who forwarded it to us?


·         It confirms what We Confederates have been telling y’all all along.


Look it, We Confederates have said:

“It is YOUR BODY & therefore YOUR choice as to what YOU feel is right for YOU! “

Our Confederate Society has been providing y’all with this ‘type’ of information that YOU will NEVER get from any of Washington’s Propaganda Ministries otherwise known as

Their Lame Street Media.


·         We have been issuing information like this ever since our formation in 1992 but have been summarily rebuked by a variety of ‘sources’ & for ALL the REASONS now known to you.  

We have an Apostate ‘Government’ that could care LESS about any of YOU  “Smelly Walmart, Deplorable, Irredeemable, Rednecks who always run for

“ Your Bibles & Guns “.

Y’all are in Their Way & just as We Confederates have been telling you!


·         Below is a link we sent you from our Confederate Sister, Tracie Brocco, to order Ivermectin from a Doctor.

Heretofore & as I said in an earlier communique, “We Confederates are One with the Land”.

Thus, earlier on we were again forced to our own resolve which probably saved our lives.

Fred speaks of this in one of his communiques below but NOW YOU can get the actual meds!!!


Now YOU can discount, ignore or just look the other way with respect to us & what we have to say.

That’s YOUR decision but we Confederate VALUE our Brethren and have NEVER FORGOTTEN that It is ALL for One & One FOR ALL!


·         UNLIKE the POLITBURO on the POTOMAC, do YOU think We Confederates or a Confederate Government would have EVER LEFT OUR PEOPLE BEHIND like those in Afghanistan or would have

Fought ANY WAR without a DESIRE to WIN?

Do YOU think we would have ever stood by and TAXED our Country into OBLIVION?

Do YOU think we would have ever willingly allowed a Central Government to become the OVERSEER of ANY of our Independent, Sovereign States & People?


And that is WHY & WHAT we FOUGHT to PREVENT so long ago.


Washington has NOT been a Representative Government for Decades!

It is an ILLUSION built upon Decades of Deceit!

“Those People” IGNORE & REFUSE to ACKNOWLEDGE ANY LAW that holds THEIR miserable feet to the fire as evident by BIDEN & HIS entire MARXIST ILK of Today .

And THEY will go to ANY MEASURE, ANY, to DESTROY ANYONE who gets in THEIR way!

Oscar Wilde said “Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.”


So and in an attempt to show Y’all that We Confederates are NOT just a ‘backward lot of hillbilly’s’, y’all might just want to view the Video above- particularly around the 2:57 mark

as the ‘WIT’, in this case, precedes the Sarcasm with regards to the Marxist ‘Mayor’ of New York, Bill DeBlasio, and his recent REMOVAL of President Thomas Jefferson’s statute.


(2 days ago — Still peeved that the city has no Confederate monuments he can remove, lame-duck Mayor Bill de Blasio is instead ousting Thomas Jefferson.)



Yeah, that’s what “Those People”, as General Lee so correctly referred to them as DO!


And when THEY are NOT invading us or another, THEY destroy, lie, corrupt, cheat, rig elections,

steal, tax or just plain leave Americans & Allies behind without so much as a blink & then proceed to pay the Taliban that KILLED 3,000 of our people in the Twin Towers they conspired to topple 20 years ago!

And just like OBAMA did when he sent Skid Loads of Ca$$$$h to the mullahs in Iran!!!!!!!


They will go to any & all lengths like allowing Their BLM & ANTIFA thugs that to run rampant while Defunding the local Police so they can create Their Federal Gestapo, a Nationalized Police Force that THEIR ABC Departments will provide info to regarding We the People and all while THEY similarly deny the hundreds of thousands of Illegals who are pouring across our Border….

Who WILL become Their DEMONrat ‘Voters’ of tomorrow!!!


And if that is NOT enough for WE the PEOPLE, THEY DECREE  YOU VILL take Our Mandated Inoculation… that

They have conveniently absolved Themselves & their ILLEGALS from taking!....

Similar to Their Private Medical Plans They have Granted Themselves that We the People PAY FOR!!!


·         By the Way, have Y’all seen the current Postage Stamp?



·         EACH time I mail something out with this STAMP I put a notation alongside it

‘HA! Yeah Right…what with Illegals pouring across the Border along with DRUGS and a ‘president’ that is as crooked as a stick’.


NO wonder why the Post Office is in RUINS- WHO in their right mind would ever approve of such a Stamp?

·         Probably the ‘cousin, friend or relative’ of the Same Guy who is advancing Critical Race Theory & Revising every one of America’s History Books.


Think Y’all Can Co-Exist with “Those People”?

Might as well be re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic cause this Ship is Headed for the Bottom…




A Country that knows NOT of Its History, Origin and Culture is like a Ship without a Rudder for…Sooner or Later It WILL, NOT IF, Destroy Itself on The Reef of Stupidity!

-          C. maus



Deo Vindice,

Craig Maus,

President, The Confederate Society of America

Will YOU Join Our Society NOW?

Majority Of Southerners Now View The Confederate Flag As A Racist Symbol,  Poll Finds



From: Fred Jones []
Sent: Friday, October 15, 2021 12:40 PM
To: Craig Maus
Subject: Re: REPLY: Did YOU order your Ivermectin? ( Pt. 12- Covid Treatment - Kennewick, WA )


I keep forgetting to tell that ivermectin ointment is easily available at most farm and ranch/feed and seed stores. If you decide to take it internally just take a small amount, about 3-6 mg. The tubes of it at our Jackson Brothers Feed is $15 on up. -Fred



From: Fred Jones []
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2021 12:14 PM
To: Craig Maus
Subject: Re: Did YOU order your Ivermectin? ( Pt. 12- Covid Treatment - Kennewick, WA )

My son-in-law coats his hands and arms with ivermectin, and even when exposed to COVID with a large number of family and friends getting the virus, including his wife (my daughter) and parents he did not get it!

I have a friend that got the COVID and her doctor gave her a prescription for small ivermectin pills and she recovered quickly.

My Church Pastor had COVID, was given hydroxychloroquine and zinc with vitamins C and D, and recovered. I take hydroxychloroquine with zinc and vitamins, use antiseptic mouthwash, and swab my nostrils with vitacilina, and never get a virus, including COVID. Doctors and ministers use the vitacilina to keep from inhaling germs and virus. Just common sense prevention will really help! Also, I would rather have COVID than risk being disabled or killed by any of those contaminated "vaccines."



On Monday, October 11, 2021, 10:38:37 AM CDT, Craig Maus <> wrote:

Dear Brethren:

> Click on the website below.

> Then click on the COVID TREATMENT tab.

> Simply follow the directions thereafter, fill out the forms required, and the Doctor will issue a prescription and have the drug either shipped to you or filled out by your pharmacy.

> We purchased it to have as a PREVENTATIVE medicine in house.

Merck's patent for IVERMEVTIN expired in 1996 after having it for many years.

I find it interesting that MERCK now has a pill that supposedly can fight Covid that WILL BE PATENTED whose cost, as I understand it, is $ 700.00 per pill.

YOU 'Connect the Dots'!

Bet that 'New Pill's' compound base is every bit the same as IVERMECTIN.

God Bless All and may HE NOT abandon those of us here in America who, like our Brethren in Afghanistan, now find ourselves BEHIND ENEMY LINES as well!

Deo Vindice,

Craig Maus



-----Original Message-----

From: Tracie Brocco []

Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2021 6:45 AM

To: Craig Maus

Subject: Covid Treatment - Kennewick, WA


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