I post articles because I think they are of interest. Doing so doesn’t mean that I necessarily agree (or disagree) with every—or any—opinion in the posted article. Help your friends and relatives stay informed by passing the digest on. In some cases I post things sent to me by readers I might not have posted on my own, to get ideas circulating.
The Game is Over. It’s Mitt or Nitwit. Money will now dry up for the other candidates, and many voters will accept the result and shift to Romney. Anyone who now votes in a Republican Primary for anyone other than Mitt Romney will join the birthers and the racists in helping keep Barack Obama in the White House. Anyone hitting Romney now is doing Obama’s bidding. Period. But both Santorum and Gingrich, during their surges, got it into their heads that they were really going to be President of the USA. Hard dream to give up on.