P McMillan submits:
UN Official ‘Horrified’ that Palestinian Stabber was Killed by Israeli During Attack; Israeli ‘Baseball Cap’ Blocks Viruses and the Flu; Latest from Israel! | ||
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Retired Superintendent Wayne Anderson shares... "My state passed a Concealed Weapons Permit 30-some years ago but I never felt the need to get one until this past year. With the recent surge of violent crime, law-abiding Americans like myself have no choice but to arm up. Getting my CCW was much easier and quicker then I thought by doing it all online. Like many of you, I now pack whenever I travel, to the store, golf course, everywhere." |
Jackie Juntti submits:
December 7, 1941 is a date that I remember each year because, even though I was only a month from turning 2 years old, I had two close family members that were serving in Hawaii - an uncle on the Arizona and my older half brother (Marine) serving at the Marine base.
The uncle (Glenn Lane) was blown off the Arizona into the water - picked up by another ship and then blown off of it and picked up by a third ship which he stayed on.
My half brother, Kenneth Case, was ordered to go find and bring in a German spy that had managed to get on the base.
Jackie Juntti
Here is a newspaper story about my half brothers Dec 7, 1941