P McMillan submits:

The Supreme Court has (NOW) accepted a complaint that 388 elected officials blocked a legal requirement of a ten-day window for a review ;




UN Official ‘Horrified’ that Palestinian Stabber was Killed by Israeli During Attack; Israeli ‘Baseball Cap’ Blocks Viruses and the Flu; Latest from Israel!
United with IsraelIsraeli Software Helps Prevent US Gun Violence - How Does it Work? Lawmakers Host Holocaust-Denying Newspaper Editor; Long-Range Drones Deliver Israeli Medical Supplies


Mad Patriot News

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Retired Superintendent Wayne Anderson shares...

"My state passed a Concealed Weapons Permit 30-some years ago but I never felt the need to get one until this past year. With the recent surge of violent crime, law-abiding Americans like myself have no choice but to arm up. Getting my CCW was much easier and quicker then I thought by doing it all online. Like many of you, I now pack whenever I travel, to the store, golf course, everywhere."


 Jackie Juntti submits:

December 7, 1941 is a date that I remember each year because, even though I was only a month from turning 2 years old, I had two close family members that were serving in Hawaii - an uncle on the Arizona and my older half brother (Marine) serving at the Marine base.


The uncle (Glenn Lane) was blown off the Arizona into the water - picked up by another ship and then blown off of it and picked up by a third ship which he stayed on.


My half brother, Kenneth Case, was ordered to go find and bring in a German spy that had managed to get on the base. 


Jackie Juntti



Here is a newspaper story about my half brothers Dec 7, 1941


 Larry Jordan submits:

PROOF! Crooked Secretary of State Katie Hobbs Had Twitter Silence Her Critics in Runup to Fraudulent Election that SHE RAN in Arizona



Lisa Haven News: New posts!

Here is your weekly digest.

It’s All Coming Out!! You Won’t Believe What Just Happened!

By Lisa Haven It’s all coming out, liberal radicals are starting to spill the beans in mass about their real agenda. In todays report I Read more…

by Lisa Haven on December 2nd, 2022

P McMillan submits

 I Used To Be A Normal Person…….


I used to think I was pretty much just a regular person, but I was born white, into a two-parent household which now, whether I like it or not, makes me privileged, a racist, and responsible for slavery.