My Comment: This is
beginning to become obvious to so many, yet so many still refuse to
recognize it. Our leadership in the US goes out of their way to cover
this up and deny that it is happening. Even Christians and churches
are falling in line with those who wish to deny this. Christians will
pick each other apart for a man’s interpretation of the Bible, yet they
believe every word that comes out of the mouth’s of false prophets
disguised as leaders of the world and the church. Utterly amazing.
Become a Berean and wake up. Search for yourselves, open your eyes.
Jesus warned these times were coming. Yes there has been persecution
for thousands of years, but these words ring loud and true: John 16:2 They shall put you out of the synagogues; yea, the time cometh that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.
--Albert, worried waiting watchman