Morning Briefing
For March 5, 2013
1. 974
If you live in the real world, you will notice that the federal government has destroyed our free markets, limited our freedoms, and denigrated our right to religious liberty – all before Obamacare has fully taken effect. The federal agencies continue to promulgate rules and regulations that drive up the cost of the most vital goods and services to the point that most of us will require government subsidies just to afford our most basic necessities, most notably, health insurance.
Yet, for many Capitol Hill conservatives who live in an exclusive world of budget-speak, we are on the cusp of restoring our Constitutional Republic. You see, the upcoming CR (H.R. 933) will fund discretionary spending for the remaining 6 months of Fiscal Year 2013 at the level of $974 billion [well, it's actually $982 billion, but it's close enough to the original RSC number for members to become all sentimental over it]. Isn’t that awesome? Forget about focusing our message on things that actually penetrate the tin ear of the average voter, such as losing their healthcare under Obamacare. We’re talking about our victory over “974.”
Did you ever think that Republicans would rally around a cry of “974?”
What does the number 974 mean to you?
Not much.
No wonder why Republicans have a terrible approval rating with the American public.
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