Barack Obama’s Dodd-Frank financial overhaul propped up the big banks, stunted economic growth, and harmed hardworking Americans. But thanks to your activism, relief could be on its way.
The House of Representatives is advancing a key piece of legislation -- the Financial CHOICE Act -- that will take steps to unravel the most harmful pieces of Dodd-Frank.
What is CHOICE and how will it unravel Dodd-Frank?
Dodd-Frank serves to protect the interests of big banks at the expense of consumers.Because of the law, we pay more when using banking services like checking accounts, loans and credit cards, and we get little protection in return.
The CHOICE Act will repeal several of the burdensome regulations within Dodd-Frank and help to create an environment where small businesses can compete and thrive. To learn more about the CHOICE Act, you can read about it here.
How did we get here?