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Act I was selling America on Joe Biden as the sane one, steadfast, statesmanlike, serene, smart. Act II was installing Kamala Harris as the insurance...
Submitted by: Terry Payne
The FBI, DOJ and intelligence agencies are nothing short of the KGB, Ministry for State Security (Stasi) and Gestapo agents for the Democrat Party. Collectively they are thugs with badges. They are not interested one iota in solving crimes against the American public-in particular MAGA and Republican supporters. Look no further than the illegal removal of Giuliani’s law license in communist New York for investigating the illegal votes in the general election and yet the LIBTARD lawyers who participated in riots in NYC are free to practice law after committing crimes against cops. Both attorneys were charged with throwing Molotov cocktail at a NYPD vehicle and offered a plea deal. Huh? Imagine a MAGA lawyer throwing anything at a cop car!