Dear Conservatives,
The success Campaign for Liberty has experienced in advancing the Audit the Fed bill is nothing short of astounding.
Their staff, members, and volunteer leaders have put in countless hours to create a nationwide groundswell of public support for full transparency at the Fed.
As my dad wraps up his time in Congress, I know he’s excited about the tremendous chance we have to finally rein in the Federal Reserve and set the stage for further monetary policy reforms.
While C4L finishes preparing for the House floor vote this month, I’m hard at work in the Senate securing additional support for S. 202, my companion legislation.
The success Campaign for Liberty has experienced in advancing the Audit the Fed bill is nothing short of astounding.
Their staff, members, and volunteer leaders have put in countless hours to create a nationwide groundswell of public support for full transparency at the Fed.
As my dad wraps up his time in Congress, I know he’s excited about the tremendous chance we have to finally rein in the Federal Reserve and set the stage for further monetary policy reforms.
While C4L finishes preparing for the House floor vote this month, I’m hard at work in the Senate securing additional support for S. 202, my companion legislation.