Purposeful Destruction of America's Economy
by Lee S Gliddon Jr
Everytime I listen to the radio or watch television I hear juast how smart and intellectual a man Barrack Obama is and how he is trying to save America's economy.
I have just one phrase in answer to the many pundits such as Bill O'Reilly, Chris Matthews, Juan Williams, Bob Beckel and all the Liberals that spout praise to Obama. That phrase is, 'Bull Crap.'
The smartest investors were taken in by a con-man and lost billions (Madoff). Compared
to Obama that man is a piker, a two bit chisler.
Obama, in a cold and calculated fashion has conned some of the 'smartest' and well known political pundits. He has also conned so many in America he won the office and is now 'President' of what was the most powerful nation on earth. I use the tense 'was' as Obama has degraded America abroad and laughs about that everytime he is asked about it. As his defense mechanism Obama uses humer to disarm any situation where he has suspicion that he is close to being caught in his list of lies.