Why The Left Loves Viet Nam and Depends on War: Protesting Is The Left’s Only Real Jobby lisarichardsrocknrollpolitics |
Have you ever noticed the Left never marches to save unborn child? Have you observed leftist never protest euthanasia or elderly abuse? And they certainly never rise up against Eminent Domain except when it’s to remove drug dealers from their cribs.
The Left never fights against high taxes and over regulation, but they’ll fight welfare reform so non-working leeches can live in the pockets of hard-working Americans. It’s important the disposable income-ed poor have $400 dollar sneakers every month.
However, there is one thing the Left will march for and protest until the end of time: Viet Nam.
Whenever America is at war, the Left converges upon the biggest city they can crowd, marching through streets, and decrying any war as a Viet Nam against brutal, ruthless enemies trying to exterminate mankind.