ep 1557

Liberals instantly attack me when I point out this obvious truth about what they’re up to. In this episode, I discuss this, along with touching video of a popular athlete talking about the wonders of America.



Pelosiville and the Great Demo-Dump Exodus

Biden, Harris, Pelosi, and Schumer want to drag all of America down their socialist rat holes.

Mark Alexander

"The mobs of great cities add just so much to support of pure government as sores do to the strength of the human body." —Thomas Jefferson (1781)

MPN 07/07/2021


Daily Update #174 Wednesday July 7, 2021
Great day Patriot,



Act I was selling America on Joe Biden as the sane one, steadfast, statesmanlike, serene, smart. Act II was installing Kamala Harris as the insurance...


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Rudy Giuliani Offered FBI Proof of Hunter Biden’s Child Porn — They Declined and Took Everything Else

Submitted by: Terry Payne



The FBI, DOJ and intelligence agencies are nothing short of the KGB, Ministry for State Security (Stasi) and Gestapo agents for the Democrat Party.  Collectively they are thugs with badges. They are not interested one iota in solving crimes against the American public-in particular MAGA and Republican supporters. Look no further than the illegal removal of Giuliani’s law license in communist New York for investigating the illegal votes in the general election and yet the LIBTARD lawyers who participated in riots in NYC are free to practice law after committing crimes against cops. Both attorneys were charged with throwing Molotov cocktail at a NYPD vehicle and offered a plea deal. Huh? Imagine a MAGA lawyer throwing anything at a cop car!

WND NEWS 07/07/2021


Donald Trump drops glorious, legal bombshell on Facebook, Google and Twitter
Posted by Bob Unruh
The social-media giants could be quaking in their boots today, as former President Donald Trump is leading a class-action suit against the dark forces that are controlling everyone's speech, and he's seeking 'punitive damages.' Read more…

THE BABYLON BEE 07/07/2021


The Root of 93% of Skin Problems

 If you’ve ever struggled with dry skin, rashes, age spots, or wrinkles… please pay close attention. You see: scientists have discovered the root cause of 93% of all skin problems – and it’s NOT what you think. In fact…They’ve discovered a 2-minute home remedy for more youthful skin… Click here to find out this simple skin fix.

UP FIRST 07/07/2021


First look:
  • Gov Cuomo declares new "emergency" - this time it's guns!
  • MSNBC guest says Jan 6th worse than 9/11, GOP must be crushed
  • Dershowitz predicts charges against Trump CEO will be dropped
  • Whoa! Real journalism happened at State Dept briefing yesterday