Thursday, June 27, 2019


Submitted by: Chuck Kolb

by Carl F. Worden

Democrats are known liars.  Yesterday, the Democrat-controlled Oregon Legislature announced they do not have enough Democratvotes to pass Oregon's proposed and notoriously unfair, "Cap and Trade Bill", and I see this ploy as nothing more than that in order to lure the Republicans who have left the state to return so the Democrats can pass that onerous bill through deceit.

As more Oregonians realize how outrageous that Cap and Trade Bill really is, they may be calling their Democrat Representatives, asking them to vote against the measure.  Maybe, but I really doubt any Democrat Representative has any intention of changing their position on anything to do with alleged climate change.

Since I originally wrote about this proposed bill, I learned that an, "Emergency Provision",  was included in that bill.  ("Emergency", as in the world will end tomorrow from climate change if they don't pass it.)  But the real reason the Democrats included that Emergency Provision was to prevent the citizens from gathering enough signatures under Oregon's Initiative Law that allows the citizens to reverse what the Oregon Legislature passed!  You see, the Emergency Provision prevents the citizens from using the Initiative Process to reverse the Cap and Trade Bill for three full years!

Gee, why would the Democrats feel the need to include the Emergency Provision if the Cap & Trade Bill is such a wonderful idea?  It is because fuel costs will go up by .22 cents per gallon in Oregon almost immediately, and the Democrats know that's going to piss a lot of people off, that's why!  That bill will reverse all the job gains  in Oregon made possible by President Trump's policies!

Businesses will close and new hiring will screech to a halt in Oregon if and when that bill passes and goes into effect, but the Democrats don't care!  They are so brain-washed they actually believe their own climate change bullshit to the point they don't care how many of their own citizens get hurt.

Back in the 1970's, I remember how horrible the smog was in Southern California.  You could see the fumes hanging in the air between the telephone poles, like fog!  But after strict emissions controls were put in place, the air in SoCal has improved 100 fold!

How a Cap and Trade Bill would reduce emissions still makes me scratch my head.  It would dramatically increase revenues (taxes) to Oregon, but the proponents of these bills have never been able to explain how throwing money at the state coffers somehow translates into less greenhouse gas emissions!  The California model worked very well, so why isn't Oregon following that model instead?  It is because the whole thing is a tax scam!

So I sincerely hope the Oregon Republicans hiding out of state do not fall for what I believe is just another deliberate Democrat deception.  Democrats have become so completely ungodly that there are no ethical or moral lines they will not cross in furtherance of their demented policies.

If a Democrat's lips are moving, they're lying!

Carl F. Worden

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