Wednesday, May 11, 2016


Submitted by: Patriot Update

Does Congress work for the people anymore?

The answer is sadly not what it should be. Congress has become a place dominated by career politicians who answer to big donors and special interests, and who seek reelection above all else.

If you believe it's time that Congress was returned to the people, we need your help now. Term limits will return our government to citizen-legislators and put a stop to career politicking. Would you donate $25 or more for term limits today?

We are at a pivotal time in our nation's history, and we are approaching an unprecedented opportunity to make real change. We have never been closer to a term limits amendment than now, and we're doing it all without the approval of Congress.

Americans for Congressional Term Limits (ACTL) is advocating for a convention of the states to propose a term limits amendment, completely bypassing Congress, and we are asking that one million Americans stand with us to make it happen.

Will you be part of the Million Strong who will finally make term limits a reality for Congress. Your contribution and support is absolutely vital to our mission. We can return Congress to the people, and get rid of every single career politician, but only with your help.


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