Saturday, January 22, 2022



Patriot’s Agenda for Return of Constitutional Republic
The preferred method is to elect patriotic officials who are dedicated to protecting the Rights of the People, and who will force the Federal Establishment to conform to all original specifications of the Constitution. The only other option is Guerilla Warfare and resistance to all unconstitutional laws.
By Andrew Wallace
Sick of The Lies
I’m just so sick of all the Lies. Lying seeks to covet and steal. In order for the lies to work they must separate you from the truth. Truth is the natural enemy of the lie, and therefore must be removed from any reasoning process. They have taught the world that everyone has a right to their own opinion making opinion equal to truth. Lies hide behind opinion.
By Paul Cappadona
Why are we content to believe lies?
So much of what the world feeds us is bunk. Most Americans are incapable of discerning good from evil. Look around at the confusion that reigns in America today. We have been lied to and we don’t even know it and we wouldn’t care if we did. The delusion is strong. Even in the church.
By Coach Dave Daubenmire

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