Wednesday, October 20, 2021


                      The BERTRAND Report            

                                                         The War For Your Mind and Soul Continues
                                   News That Matters

China's Hyper-Sonic Nuclear Test, Massive "Vaccine" Insanity Mandates, Food Shortages "Because Of More Demand???" Los Alamos Top 114 Scientists To Be Fired, Something Ain't Right As Life On Earth Is About To Get Really Insane..... 

Friends and Associates:

I have done my very best to sit-back, shut-up, and digest all the insanity being created by the entire world's various governments, controlled by the Communist United Nations Cabal, enslaving and killing hundreds of thousands (of what we are learning) as the "vaccination" Catch 22 [Gene Therapy Bio-Weapon] of our lifetime. really mess with (our) minds is the latest horse shit from the Biden Administration stating, "The shortage of supplies and empty shelves is because of more demand by consumers during this booming (Biden) economy." ARE AMERICANS THAT STUPID TO BELIEVE THAT?? 

The store shelves in my area of southwest Arizona are emptying and was told by one store manager, "shipments are running 5 days late," as I could not complete more than 75% of my normal list of bi-weekly items to, had to (also) settle for brands I never buy. Oh !! And at a noticeable much higher cost !  

Add this growing food shortage and the most insane vaccine mandate, forcing nurses, fire and law enforcement by the thousands to either quit or be fired, the latest absurdity reported tonight is (below) reporting 114 top scientists at Los Alamos are facing the exit door.

I've tried to (test) my reasoning with a few Democrats I know and I am absolutely beside myself as to the stupidity, ignorance, and one person (I thought was level headed) is going for his 3rd booster soon, arguing the so-called "lies" by many of us, including excellent alternative news sources, but instead actually trusts Fauci's lies, Biden's incapacitated behavior, and added...."it's not a constitutional right anymore, but a pandemic emergency." He went on to say...."nurses not vaccinated will only infect their patients." WHAT????? Therefore....all the F^king bullshit space suits they wear, masks, helmets, face shields,and surgical gloves NOW are NOT enough??? "Heros" turned into "Domestic Terrorists?" Note: Unfortunately, his wife / partner has cancer and months later, still in bad shape (diagnosed a few weeks after taking the Moderna jab).

Like I said...I've sat back, digested this entire world take-over and NOTHING makes sense and doesn't add up to anything that even resembles reality anymore. 

Their brainwashing logic is 2 + 2 = 5.

However.....I agree with many, "We are witnessing a world war by unknown identities against the entire world population." WE THE PEOPLE are the enemy and the END GAME is to kill as many of us as possible by either the vaccinated (carriers), or the un-vaccinated by vaccine "shedding" of those vaccinated.....thus, blaming ALL DEATHS on the "Un-Vaccinated" which in-turn will further the plan(s) for more tyranny and outrageous mandates, loss of ALL freedoms, the inability to buy, sell, or trade, including travel, or the ability to leave your home (without special permission) forcing a multitude of vaccines and boosters on ALL of us. [MARK OF THE BEAST]

Nobody wins in the end.....

UNLESS, we take hold of what's happening in this early / mid stage timeline before THEY unleash absolute hell on this planet. WE MUST reach-out to our higher power within us and RESIST.

And I say "THEY" because there has to be more than the 100 to 200 globalists, billionaires, tech giants, and politicians running this massive world war on humanity !

We can call it "Satan" or "Extraterrestrials" but something akin to either dimensional entity are pushing the mouth pieces of governments / United Nations and media to begin (something) besides de-population, but more like an eviction of humanity from earth for THEIR survival. 

China is poised and ready to help destroy AmeriKa......

Satan hates God's creation and doing everything to destroy humanity and / or the probability of extraterrestrials from some dying planet need Earth for their survival. Or...they are two of the same a.k.a. 'Falln' Angels.'

There doesn't seem to be any logic for what is taking place, but all roads, plans, and agendas are leading us into destruction, while at the same time, we are self destructing more and more each day. 

The 100 to 200 individual leaders, politicians, and other mouth pieces a.ka. globalists using Communism as a means to destroy us could all be eliminated from earth by a worldwide revolution tomorrow, and (IMO) doesn't change a damn thing, because in the end, they all die as well after we're gone. Can WE stop the insanity? Maybe for a decade, but THEY are dead set on taking-over planet earth.

Sounds bizarre??? 

2 + 2 = 4

---Dave Bertrand

ZeroHedge Article.....

A last Friday deadline for Los Alamos National Lab employees to get vaccinated has come and gone, with a judge on the same day denying a request by 114 employees there to block the nuclear lab’s vaccine mandate from taking effect.

In the last days the employees, including top nuclear engineers and scientists, have literally taken to the streets outside the lab, protesting the mandate which orders them to get their first dose of the Covid vaccine or face termination

Concerning the lawsuit filed by the employees, The Hill wrote earlier that "Workers at the New Mexico laboratory, which created the atomic bomb, filed a lawsuit claiming that exemptions to the mandate have been denied without proper justification."

READ MORE................

From the Desk of Capt. Dave Bertrand (Ret.) Your Comments Are Welcomed and Can Be Published Unless You Specify Otherwise.

Retired Int'l Freight Captain (DC-8 & B-727), Former (State) Law Enforcement, U.S. Customs (UC) Miami Sector, US Army Military Police Veteran, Former Int'l Aircraft Repo Insurance Contractor, Former DHS/HWW Counter-Terrorism Instructor for Commercial Truckers, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University & University of Alaska (Undergraduate), Interests include Border Security, 9/11 Truth, Government Corruption, New World Order, Freedom vs Communism, Secret Space Programs & UFO Encounters, Aviation, and Enjoy Living Off-The-Grid.

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