Thursday, October 21, 2021



10 Ways To Decompress After Scrolling Through The News On Your Phone

Reading the news can be a stressful thing. Every time you think you've seen the worst thing you'll ever see, you scroll down a few more inches and, bam! Something even worse!... Read more

Liberal Parent Trying To Figure Out How To Cheer For His Son Brandon

A message from The Patriot Post
Your Rights are God-given.

Where do your Rights come from? They come from God – not from a government (though many governments would like you to believe they do). Disastrously, the Left is working to convince the masses of “permissions” over Rights – but you can thwart their efforts. A free subscription to The Patriot Post is your chance to equip yourself for this task. As a bonus, receive your free Patriot’s Primer on American Liberty to aid you in this fight.

Subscribe today.

It’s Right. It’s Free.

Experts Warn That If Children Between The Ages Of 5-11 Aren’t Vaccinated Then Pfizer Executives Won’t Get Their Sales Bonuses

AOC's Rant Against Capitalism Undercut By Her Having Pringles Canisters Stuck On Each Hand

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Leftists Upset As Business Refuses To Discriminate

Child’s Simple Question Results In Lively 4-Hour-Long Explanation From Dad

Americans Still Trapped In Afghanistan Told By Washington Post To Lower Expectations

Babylon's Best

Is it even possible? The Pour Over started as a personal exercise to see if it was even possible to prioritize Christ over a political party while covering the same events as major news orgs. It was an email summarizing the news and pairing it with a Christian perspective, sent to friends for the accountability of getting it done. Then they started sharing it… and now there are 85k readers. Join the growing TPO family in just one click.

Your rights are changing fast. Some states are adopting new legislation that allows qualifying individuals to carry legal firearms without a permit. However, there are many caveats to these carry laws, and you could get into serious legal trouble if you’re not careful. Discover what the term “constitutional carry” means and how it might pertain to you.

Another day, another ban. There's this hysterical mug with Trump's signature on it that says, "Joe, you know I won." So of course, Dems have threatened to take down the website selling it. 😒 Click here to get yours today and fight back against the Dems.


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