Monday, August 23, 2021



       LYLE J. RAPACKI, Ph.D.





By Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D.

       Host and Commentator

       August the 23rd, 2021


When Covid struck our country Americans cooperated with medical and political leaders.  The cooperation was so universal you will remember businesses closed, schools closed, entertainment closed, even parks and outside recreational venues closed; our country closed! 

Still insufficient, the forces at work mandated churches close, families limit guests in their homes – even at Thanksgiving and Christmas, and even while driving your personal vehicle, you wear a mask even a mask and shield…driving, alone in your car!  And people complied.  The mask mandates altered as quickly as the statements of treatment success and all matters related to this man-made disaster.   But Americans continued to comply for the good of all.  But nothing was good enough or sufficiently invasive, as America slowly, steadily morphed into a conforming state with no options but to conform. 

          We are now 16 months into this medical quagmire with no end in sight!  Now the political mandates are, ALL need to be vaccinated but still wear a mask afterwards.  ALL need two and three vaccinations, with now a booster shot only three months after the initial vaccination!!  Vaccine passports are being issued, but regardless of what steps one takes “The Mask” remains the benchmark for defeating this heinous medical assault.  But really?  The article below is timely and spot-on!


All Doctors Know…

By Bionic Mosquito

August 21, 2021


…that widespread community mask wearing does nothing to reduce or prohibit the spread of a respiratory virus.

…that masks, after being worn, are treated as a hazardous material.

…that masks limit the free intake of oxygen.

…that masks limit the proper exhalation of CO2.

…that those not properly trained in wearing a mask do not wear masks properly or effectively

…that the constant touching of one’s face due to mask wearing introduces more risk than not wearing a mask at all.

…that man has been dealing with corona viruses for all of history…and has survived just fine.

…that viruses mutate.

…that a healthy body is the best defense against serious complications from a viral infection.

…that individuals with multiple co-morbidities are most susceptible to serious complications or even death from any exposure to a respiratory infection.

…that it normally takes 7-10 years or more to receive approval for any new drug treatment or medical device.

…that no vaccine for a corona virus has ever successfully made it through clinical trials.

…that this is also true for the current jab, as the clinical trial is ongoing – now including billions of people around the world.

…that an effective vaccine doesn’t require booster shots within a few months.

…that antibodies derived from the illness provide better immunity than antibodies derived, or concocted, via a vaccine.

…vaccinating someone who already has antibodies for a given virus is dangerous.


All doctors know these things.  Yet very few doctors are saying any of these.

Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D.




Host and Commentator


Anita Cohen
Editor, Prescott eNews

P.O. Box 2825, Prescott, AZ 86302



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