Tuesday, June 15, 2021



Dr. Fauci has lied to Americans.

As I'm outlining this for a clear, concise expose of three damaging, destructive lies, the Wuhan Lab cover-up is all of the sudden exploding in the news.

Sing the start of the pandemic last year...

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The LGBT brainwashing and promotion of children continues to escalate.

Here are 4 disturbing examples showing how kids are being brainwashed that the LGBT is a moral good that should be applauded, promoted and experimented with...and 4 ways churches, pastors and grandparents are responding.

The media has long been an advocate for LGBT acceptances among adults, but now it’s being promoted as a superior lifestyle choice...even for children. It's making children unsure of who they are, their sexuality and beliefs.

Netflix, TV, movies and other entertainment have been platforms to demonize Christians who support Biblical morality and promote the alternative lifestyle as a positive lifestyle choice to be embraced and not questioned.

But now, now the attention is an aggressive, extreme promotion to children.

Here are a few new examples:

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You can be part of the #1 conference in America to provide alternatives to Socialism and failed government policies.

I'll be speaking along with some 200 other economists, politicians, investment advisors and advisors and more at FreedomFest.

This year Freedom Fest is being held in South Dakota...
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More than 19.7 million American children do not have a father in their home.

But fatherhood is crucial to a successful and balanced upbringing of children.

Fatherhood also has direct implications on the long-term health of society…something that is usually overlooked.

As the media, culture and government bureaucrats and schools sell the idea of sex without consequences to young children this problem will get

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I recently did an interview with Kayla Blakeslee about the Governor’s recall in California.

You can listen to it HERE.

Here are a few highlights:

This is an epic battle - it will expose the corruption in the California government and of Governor Newsom.

Here are a few of the reasons there is a recall - and people are leaving...
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J.P. Sears is funny…sometimes a little rough.

Here he is doing news stories revolving around the controversies of Dr. Fauci, covid, Wuhan lab origins and more…

Great comedians use truth and humor to make powerful points and he did a great job.

Take a look...

That's all for this Special Reality Alert Update. Thank you for your commitment! Stay tuned for the next issue of Reality Alert, coming soon.

Yours in love, faith, and hope,
Craig A. Huey
Reality Alert/Election Forum
Where the Spirit of the Lord Is, There Is Liberty (2 Cor. 3:17)

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