Sunday, February 7, 2021


 They're Coming?? Hope For Humanity?? Or Another Deep State [Q] Spin By The CIA  And DARPA??....Video Must See 

"Close Encounters of the Third Kind?" Or a projected hologram introduction to 'Project Blue beam,' the FAKE arrival of extraterrestrials and/or Jesus Christ? Seen by thousands in the night sky of Dubai is either troubling or hopeful....

Things are happening, but NOT what WE expected over the last 4 to 5 years with President Trump and what we believed to be a complete and relentless showdown with the Deep State traitor communists that stole America for China and corporate oligarchs around the world.

One thing for sure...we can all agree with, nothing is "Normal" and is expected to get very bad in coming weeks or months.

But what many concerned humans around the world are doing is PRAYING for help as enslavement takes priority over liberty and freedoms.

The psyop to force dis-association with each other via the planned pandemic hoax DOES HAVE and END GAME result, which isn't very pretty....and to compound the HOAX with mandatory lock-downs and de-humanization, the Deep State Illuminati's around the world are positioning China to be the number one SUPER POWER of the world, a plan the Chinese have perfected in-order to have and maintain absolute control of their population. 

Big Tech and their cohorts in Washington, D.C. are prepped and ready to drop the hammer on Americans for a long term shutdown, in-order to cripple America's economy, destroy the middle class, and welcome a dramatic POLICE STATE operation to quell any and all dissent, except for those that promote communism and anti-capitalism disguised as anti-fascism....while at the same time, open the door for Chinese military aggression on America, if need be. 

No doubt, the two anti-American puppets in the White House will soon open the door for China to take Taiwan as the golden reward they have sought for many years. Once China takes Taiwan, America could be next if the Deep State loses control by at least 50% of the population in a [HOT] Civil War.

But in the meanwhile and written decades ago, the ultimate weapon to scare the hell out of everyone, besides additional weaponized viruses and/or vaccines, is to pull an ANTI- [Q] mind blower dis-information campaign against Christians, the number one target by Satan. 

Satan has continued for several thousand years to destroy any hopes and dreams by Christians, believing a GOD can or will save this planet from what is coming. Satan rules by using 'Falln' Angels' a.k.a. extraterrestrial races and humans on earth, and GOD rules by Faith within us and acts by using us AND benevolent extraterrestrial races that war with evil as we do on earth.

Just as the Deep State and their minions in fakestream media went on the attack of all [Q] supporters with dis-information of the original [Q] posts, stating [Q] followers believed that Hillary was sent to GITMO, etc, etc, is a lie. 

Satan and his followers are deceivers, liars, and very dangerous for humanity as a whole..hence, spinning news reports, actual events, and/or demonizing followers of [Q] and Trump is Satan at work.

The anti-[Q] rhetoric by the Deep State is based-on "Q-Anons" [followers] that had their OWN ideas of what THEY perceived happening with arrests etc, and many of them were Deep State dis-information TROLLS for the purpose and plans (we're seeing now) go after any and all [Q] followers as "Trump Supporters / Domestic Terrorists" because a few entered the Capitol building January 20th.....we are to believe it was [Q] himself that orchestrated the entry, along with Trump promoting such action, not much different when (in the future) THEY will blame dissent on Christians that believe GOD told them to do this or that. ABSOLUTELY FALSE !!

NOW...because the Deep State and their political hacks are DEATHLY afraid of [Q].....because, the person or persons behind the [Q] movement were connected to Trump via military intelligence, as WE figured.....the Deep State had to turn the tables, but what we do not know, is the hammer going to fall on THEM?? 

IF ANY [Q] denier checks every single [Q] post, there are too many instances that cannot be explained away as some hack in mommy's basement, but a well planned operation that is NOT likely a psyop by the Deep State (Alex Jones) to draw Trump Supporters and [Q] followers out into the open for arrests.

So.....what's next, since the anti-[Q] hype failed and Alex Jones continues to lose support and fears his own arrest soon, what would the Deep State pull next??

'Project Blue Beam' has been around for decades, an operation plan by the dark side of the CIA in conjunction with DARPA, to scare the hell out of the world by using hologram technology to fake an alien invasion, or the 'Second Coming of Christ," and because the world is PRAYING for help from above, the mental elevator drop will be if and when the Deep State turns the arrival into another [Q] conspiracy in-order for humanity to NOT TRUST anything we see or hear.....a similar plan by Satan to destroy the Christian faith as thousands of Christians around the world continue to be murdered each year by the hand of Communist dictators.

But what if ????

But what if the unusual occurrence seen by thousands in Dubai is not a hoax, or hologram?

What if it's a message of hope, or is it the arrival of good or evil? In any event, the footage below is real and humanity needs to stay awake, since things could get very interesting soon enough.

---Dave Bertrand    

H/T Steve Quayle Website

From the Desk of Capt. Dave Bertrand (Ret.) Your Comments Are Welcomed and Can Be Published Unless You Specify Otherwise.

Retired Int'l Freight Captain (DC-8 & B-727), Former (State) Law Enforcement, U.S. Customs (UC) Miami Sector, US Army Military Police Veteran, Former Int'l Aircraft Repo Insurance Contractor, Former DHS/HWW Counter-Terrorism Instructor for Commercial Truckers, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University & University of Alaska (Undergraduate), Interests include Border Security, 9/11 Truth, Government Corruption, New World Order, Freedom vs Communism, Secret Space Programs & UFO Encounters, Aviation, and Enjoy Living Off-The-Grid.

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