Wednesday, February 3, 2021


 Submitted by: Roth Hammons




By: Dr. Virginia Merchant, 

Ph.D.In Educational Leadership

February 2, 2021


         As public schools continue to stay closed and use COVID-19 as the major reason, I get mad and madder. I say “public schools” because the private and Catholic schools have been open since September. The kids aren’t getting sick from this virus—they are 99.9% immune.  If a teacher comes down with the virus, she goes home and quarantines and does not come back until she is virus-free. The private schools have taken precautions by putting desks 6 feet apart and masks are required. They are functioning quite well. How do I know this: my grandson is at Fordham Prep in NY and my granddaughter is at Laurelton Hall in Milford, Connecticut.


         There has been too much school missed for 2020-2021. If the “powers that be” open up in the near future, all students should repeat their grade for 2020-2021. Without the structure of the classroom, they have not grasped what was to be taught in the curriculum for their grade. Parents should insist on this as the school administration is going to say “well they did their work on the computer”.   Not the same believe me!


         Parents will need to start taking control. If you cannot afford private education (which should be considered in today’s education environment). Demand the schools open up by approaching the Superintendent of Schools, the local Board of Education, the State Director, Superintendent or Commissioner of Education (each state calls the top job by a different title). Start yelling and scheming—your tax dollars are going to each city and state education system to pay for the teachers and curriculum. You are not getting your money’s worth. The teachers that are out of school are still getting their salaries and benefits. I know there are good teachers out there who want to go back, be with the kids, and teach.  However, there are also those who just want to “sit on their you know what.” They should be released from their job and replaced. It’s in their contract to teach!!


         The Teacher Unions are also “out of control here”. In my 25 years in education, I refused to join a teacher’s union. Why? 

First of all, I felt it degraded a profession that required so much education. 

Second, I did not like $$$ going out of my paycheck to the Unions. 

Third, I could fight for myself if I was being passed over for a higher paying position. I just got more education (4 degrees) and in my district, more education helped raise your salary. 


Ladies and gentlemen—teacher unions are not about helping your student—never have and never will be.  They are about getting all the money they can get from teachers and the government for Union leaders’ high salaries at the top. They are not in charge of your school system.


Lastly, I suggest home-schooling until your school system wakes up. In this way, you have some control over the curriculum. You can add our history, democracy, Constitution, Civil War, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, etc. into home-schooling.  Marxist groups like BLM are taking these subjects out of our schools and jamming extra diversity (as a cover-up) into textbooks. Our Federal government lately does not have our children or grandchildren's interests at heart. The Federal government’s Department of Education is allowing this to happen. Stand up and be counted.


The majority of American students have had a social, academic and emotional loss at the hands of local school districts, the federal government, and the teacher unions. 


Very sad. I wish better for our children and grandchildren.



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