Saturday, November 21, 2020

NEWS WITH VIEWS 11/21/2020


The Battle to Save the Last Bastion of Freedom

Please call Governor Kemp and tell him to help Lin Wood. Attorney Wood recently tweeted, “Socialist propaganda media machine is running at full speed. Many lies being published - biggest is Biden won election. He did not. @realDonaldTrump won. Also, censorship of truth is increasing rapidly.........
by Kelleigh Nelson.

If the Cultural Leftists and Their Media Think they Won, Then Why are They So Concerned and Uneasy?

Facts no longer matter if they interfere with official narratives and agendas. Thus the largest narrative war I think I’ve ever seen has unfolded, between those using the above demon words and phrases, and those who insist that documentation of how voting-machine technology was used to commit fraud is clear and factual, and backed with evidence that corporate media and Big Tech are censoring just as fast as they can.........
by Steven Yates.

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