Thursday, August 20, 2020

NEWS WITH VIEWS 08/20/2020

Pentagon Anti-Bias Training Materials Filled with Anti-American Propaganda

The leader of one of the nation’s most successful public interest law forms announced in the middle of U.S. urban strife and violence that he and his legal team obtained 1,483 pages of training materials and 26 pages of budget records from the Department of Defense (DOD) that are used by DOD’s “equal opportunity advisors” to train service members about the importance of“diversity within the branches of the U.S. Armed Forces..........
By Jim Kouri - Senior Political News Writer.

Goodyear Training Aligns with BLM and Rebukes Police Support

A picture was leaked of a training session at a Goodyear plant in Topeka, KS on Thursday, August 18, 2020.  It shows a slide from the presentation outlining their “zero tolerance” policy.  On it you’ll find references to BLM and LGBTQ are acceptable, but references to Blue Lives Matter or All Lives Matter or MAGA are unacceptable.........
by Ms. Smallback.

It Happened To Elvis Presley: Infidelity & Betrayal

But last week, my friend informed me that one of his boys continually cheats on his wife over the past five years to a point that his wife set in motion divorce proceedings.  My friend felt deep embarrassment that his son betrayed the mother of his grandchildren.........
by Frosty Wooldridge.

College: Poisoning America

Our colleges and universities are poisoning our country. Look at the riots: multitudes of white middle-class college students, useful idiots. But let’s look at two examples of what the colleges are…uh, “teaching” them.........
by Lee Duigon.

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