Sunday, June 28, 2020


Submitted  by: Chuck Baumann

A former Marine RF-4 pilot who was a former LCpl in the Infantry in Vietnam and saw a lot of combat as he was a radio operator  for his Company Commander who earned two Silver Stars!
I’m sick of it all… the damn virus, the lying media, the lying Democratic Party, the lying demonstrators and looters… the attacks on our police… and the whole Black Lives Matter bullshit… if they really meant it that Black Lives Matter), maybe they’d stop killing each other wholesale, on a daily basis. The truth is, Black Lives matter less... to other Blacks... than they ever have to our police and society at large. The whole movement is built on one lie after another. The truth is that it isn’t racial bias that causes interaction between cops and Blacks… it is Black crime that causes that interaction. Think about it...12% of the population accounts for over 50% of the violent crime in America. And if you are brave enough to point that out, the left and Black activists scream…. You’re a “RACIST”… followed by them proclaiming that inconvenient fact is just a distraction away from police brutality! I would say a pox on their house… but in reality, they’re doing a pretty good job of it on their own, without my help.
And I’m gonna lay it all out on the line here… everything… and I do mean “Everything”… that’s going on today is a part of the Democratic Party’s strategy to try to steal the upcoming elections. Folks it’s gonna be a long hot summer. We are witnessing the coalition of evil forces comprised of anarchists, communists, Black Racists, a corrupt media and an even more corrupt Democratic Party, working in concert with each other. It is an attempt to destroy this nation from within. To not understand this requires… as Hillary once reminded us… is a willful “Suspension of disbelief”. In other words, deny your common sense. Or maybe as another favorite saying of the left touts… it appears to be a classic case of “Cognitive Dissonance”.
The accidental (and I really mean that) death of a career criminal in police custody does not warrant what it has led to. That cop didn’t intend to kill George Floyd… and frankly, I could make a case it was more as a result of his drug abuse and ill health that was really the most casual factor in his death. The cops actions may have been a contributing factor and for that he should be held accountable… but murder, it was not. The same could be said about the Atlanta shooting as well… there a guy intentionally gets into a brawl with two police officers when he was about to be arrested on a DUI charge… and in the scuffle… he rips off one of their tasers, tries to flee and then turns and fires the taser at the officer who returns fire with his service weapon. Murder… not on your life! Justifiable…. To not understand that requires… once again, the willful suspension of disbelief or cognitive dissonance. You don’t fight with the police, steal a taser, shoot at the cop with the taser and not expect to be shot in return if you miss. Fact… it was the violent behavior of both these men that led to their demise. A comment here on the power of video… everyone remembers the first part of the video that shows what appears to be a complying George Floyd being handcuffed… what we haven’t seen is what caused George Floyd to be taken to ground on the other side of the cruiser that prompted the cops to take him down? This guy was a known five time , violent, convicted felon. He was 6’6” and strong. Don’t think any of the cops were over 5’10”? Whatever he did to be taken down, had to be more than just giving the cops some lip. Funny that the prosecutors have refused to release the body cams of what happened on that side of the police cruiser. Sooner or later it’ll have to come out... unless it magically gets erased and disappears like the Strzok/Page emails in the custody of the Mueller Investigation Team. Think that was an accident?
While all this is going on… the most evil and corrupt event in American Political History is off everybody’s radar! The willful, overt attempt to rig a Presidential Election and when that failed; an overt attempt at an actual coup to remove a legally elected President by the out going Administration of the opposition Party. A plot initiated right out of the Oval Office in concert with the FBI, the various intelligence agencies and the Hillary Clinton Campaign. This was real folks… with the latest notes releases of Strzok’s notes taken of the meeting with Obama, Biden, Comey and others, in the Oval Office, exposes that was an attempted coup beyond all doubt. This wasn’t the musings of of would be Walter Mitty dream… this was an outright attempt at a political coup in violation of everything this nation holds sacred. I’m reminded of one of my father’s comments of his pride in the fact that our Republic had never experienced an attempted coup in its’ history (unlike most other nations in this world)… neither by our military or any other entity. Now dad died before it finally happened… but I am sad to report, as his son, I have lived long enough to have finally witnessed such an event. It wasn’t the act of a group of often debased military types… but the act of arrogant, so called intellectual, political ,elitists… the scum of the earth that we common folks refer to as the “Swamp”. These marplot's, with the assistance of a fawning media, still couldn’t pull it off (so much for their brilliance); but they did manage to drag this nation through almost four years of constant propaganda and explosive diarrhea of constant lies and deceit… until it all started to unravel. Their... so called “Insurance” policy deservedly failed once the light of day was shined on it. The whole “Russia Collusion” propaganda hoax was nothing more than political theater, promulgated by a corrupt political party and administration… and they debased our basic principals of fair play and honesty. These people should all go to jail… including all those aware of it, that didn’t come forward to expose it. They have besmirched the reputation of what had been the most revered law enforcement agency in the world… they corrupted our intelligence agencies to go along with it… and God only knows how many members of our Justice Department? They have attacked the very basic values of our nation… and their actions have encouraged those non-thinkers and gullible in our society. We as a nation are now experiencing the fruit of their labor… rebellion, rioting, looting, lying and nonstop propaganda. Sadly, they have convinced a lot of lemmings in our society who unthinkingly still buy their lies.
In conclusion for today… I’d like to express two thoughts. First for my black brothers and sisters… you need to look within yourselves and realize you have a cultural problem. For some ungodly reason, you have accepted within your communities a violent culture… it is pandemic in black communities all over this country. The greatest threat to your success and life is not the police... or white society at large… it is from your own kind; those from within your own community. In truth, there is more opportunity available for young black men and women in this society… than any other race. This nation has created those opportunities for you. If you just make an attempt to educate yourselves, reject violence and willingly embrace those opportunities available to you. The rules for you should be the same as for the average American of every race… don’t expect anything to be gifted to you… be willing to work for it. Got a hint for you… every human being knows rejection from time to time. We have all experienced it… and the sad truth is, you just have to get over it and move on. One of the greatest gifts this nation offers us is the opportunity to succeed or fail on our own… not a guarantee… but an opportunity. Take advantage of it. One common experience that most of us who have enjoyed some modicum of success, has had the experience of being told… you can’t do that or you can’t succeed at that and then upon finally proving them wrong, you’re told how lucky you are/were. Don’t buy that! When people said that to me I’d always come back with… “The harder I worked, the luckier I got”! And the truth is, most of us who have made it, failed along the way from time to time, after all, we’re human… but we didn’t give up, we got up, dusted ourselves off and tried again. We ignored the nay sayers and tried... and tried again, until we got it right. Now your people have been told by a pernicious political party for the last five generations that you can’t make it without their help… that is a lie! Instead of touting “family” and education… they have offered welfare and excuses. They are more responsible for the blight in the Black community than all the racists Neanderthals on earth. Instead of preaching self-reliance… they tell you that you have no chance. Don’t buy into that! Racism does exist, it will always exist… but I can tell you something I know beyond a doubt; I have been fortunate enough to have been a world traveler… and I know that this nation offers more opportunity for every race (and most assuredly Blacks)… than any other nation on earth. Second place isn’t even close. And that includes the Motherland…
As my father explained to me when I was growing up… “Don’t expect anybody to give you anything… ain’t gonna happen. Your only way out is hard work and a good education…you’ll have to earn it… never forget that”. It was good advice. And you now what… just about everyone I’ve ever known that was a success, followed that same formula… no matter the circumstances of their birth… rich, poor or middle class… regardless of race or gender. I’d also add, education is paramount… but rejection of temptation to cut corners is a siren song that leads to failure and incarceration. Get back to family values… respect the law, don’t flout it. Condemn evil when you see it… hang with those who share those values. And remember… momma’s are pretty smart too… “People will judge you by the folks you hang out with”. Sounds simplistic I know… but like “Just say No”… it’s good advice based on common sense. Think about it.
Last, I’d like to say a few things to those who are devoted believers in the Democratic Party. If you can’t recognize that your party has been involved in the attempted coup of a legally elected President; which is unprecedented in our nations history… well… then you have sold your soul to the devil! You guys make Machiavelli seem like a piker. You have no shame… no hyperbole is too far… no lie is too great… no dishonesty is unacceptable. You actually admire and respect those among you who have the gift of mendacity. While those of us on the right cringe when our guy exaggerates and tells lies… your side seems to embrace and admire those on your side for their talent at spinning untruths and slander. The Obama’s, the Biden’s, the Pelosi’s, the Schiff’s, the Clinton’s and their minions, the Comey’s, the Strzok’s and McCabe’s… and a whole cast of characters along with them from the CIA and other intelligence agencies… the national media which is their fawning supporting cast. They are all pathological liars… they are amoral… and they only exist because you choose to look the other way and let them get away with it. Where is your integrity and honor in all this? Do you really believe that you and they are so enlightened that we are not capable of deciding who shall lead us? Members of your party have been abject failures in leading this nation over the last 60 years… across the board. From Carter, to the Clinton’s to the Obama Administration… each left the country worse off than they received it… all of them were mired in corruption and incompetence. And the same is true for the states… every state and major city that is in Democratic Party control… has the hallmark of fiscally irresponsible largess and violence within their communities! Why in the hell anybody in their right mind would want to live under such leadership is beyond my iconoclastic mind. You are inviting oppression… the rights of the individual, freedom of the press, freedom of thought and all of our rights are at risk… unless we conform. Political correctness is only one of your tools. And once the cabal takes over… those freedoms can disappear in a heartbeat. Ask the citizens of Nicaragua,  Cuba, Venezuela… and those who live under the yolk of King’s, Dictators, Mullah’s and communist party controlled countries around the world. They have no freedoms other than to do what the government dictates. During my time in Central America… I was appalled at the almost fanatical support the American media had for the Sandinista’s and FMLN. Got to know some of those folks personally and more than once I would point out they were supporting would be totalitarians… no matter what they called themselves. I’d challenge them… just once write a critical piece on their short comings and see how long you’ll be allowed to stay in their country… or worse yet… live at all. No takers in the whole cabal. Ironically… the first actions those revolutionaries took if successful… was to stifle and kill a free press; figuratively and literally. You can deny it to yourselves that this is what you want… but I assure you that if you are successful in support of these crooks… that is what you’ll get.
Rant Over for Today!

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