Monday, May 11, 2020

NEWS WITH VIEWS 05/11/2020

Vindicated! DOJ Exonerates Lt. General Michael T. Flynn

Three-star General Michael Flynn never lied to anyone, not VP Pence and certainly not the FBI.  The FBI and Department of Justice misused their authority to try to entrap Flynn during an investigation that was utterly without factual merit or legal justification.  The special counsel pursued Flynn relentlessly, even though he had done nothing wrong..........
by Kelleigh Nelson.

High Noon: Governors and Mayors vs Sheriffs and We the People

Most of the country has already heard the story of Shelly Luther who owns a beauty salon in Dallas, TX.  She reopened her business because her employees were going without food just to feed their children.  Another Hussein Obama appointed Democrat judge jailed her.  The Texas Supreme Court ordered her released.  Our governor then modified his earlier order.........
by Devvy.

Silence and Action Are True Wisdom’s Best Reply

As this world turns, each of us faces extraordinary challenges, ordeals, emotional pain, trauma, loss of loved ones and disappointments during our lives.  It goes with the territory of living.  Even at this point with a virus raging around the planet, we need to hold on to “hope.”.........
by Frosty Wooldridge.

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