Tuesday, March 3, 2020


Our client, Sandra Merritt, faces 10 years in prison, $2 million in civil judgments and $25,000 in fines – all for exposing the horrific and brutal TRUTH about Planned Parenthood's barbaric "harvesting" of functioning brains, breathing lungs and still-beating hearts from fully born, fully alive BABIES. WE CANNOT LOSE THIS FIGHT!

Sandra's undercover videos revealed that Planned Parenthood doctors did not abort these babies but instead purposefully delivered these children alive for the express purpose of "harvesting" the organs while the babies’ hearts were still beating, while the babies’ lungs were still gasping for air to give voice to their cries, and while the brain waves and nerve centers of that child registered the sheer, excruciating pain of being dismembered ALIVE – all because organs cut from a living, breathing baby get a higher price than organs removed from an aborted corpse.
NOT ONE of the doctors or Planned Parenthood officials exposed in Sandra's undercover videos has been charged with a crime – but Sandra has – for telling the horrific truth.

Sandra is the first undercover journalist in all of California's history to be prosecuted for the first amendment right of journalism. One can only assume California has chosen to destroy freedom of the press to accommodate Planned Parenthood's $1.7 billion per year financial might, not to mention the abortion giant's 20+ year history of donating to California Attorney General Xavier Becerra's political campaigns.

Planned Parenthood and the State of California are pulling every trick they can to try to break Sandra Merritt and Liberty Counsel financially so that truth-tellers like Sandra never dare expose Planned Parenthood's "human sacrifice for profit" schemes again. WE CANNOT LET THIS HAPPEN.
Sandra's case is the most expensive case in Liberty Counsel's history and with at least another full year to fight this battle in court, the costs keep getting higher and higher every day.

Sandra Merritt needs you.

Liberty Counsel needs you.

The unborn need you.

NOW as never before.
In Christ,
Mat Staver,
P.S. Big Tech giants are blocking our emails from reaching people who need to know the truth. YOU can beat censorship, by sharing this email now. Just select here!

P.P.S. We are not a billion-dollar company and our legal services are always free to our clients as we defend them. Our defense of Sandra Merritt and clients like her is completely funded by thoughtful patriots like you. Please, give now.

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