Sunday, January 26, 2020

GELLER REPORT 01/26/2020

 Today's Headlines

Jihad-Rep Rashida Tlaib Retweets Blood Libel Against Jews

Retweeting one of the most vicious, genocidal Jew-haters and spokes-savage for the terror group PLO.

UPS to train delivery drivers how to spot signs of sex slavery

The men in brown to the rescue. Truckers Against Trafficking. Next gen heroes.

Mila, the French schoolgirl who insulted Islam, is told by police to go into hiding

What a shame! The arrogant president Macron who wants to rule on Israeli security in Jerusalem, is incapable of ensuring the safety of its own citizens back in France. The 16-year-old French high school student I wrote about a few days ago, has been asked by the police to go into hiding because the authorities are unable...

New EU Report on Muslim Integration Unknowingly Exposes Its Disastrous Failures

2/3s of Muslims said religious rules were more important than the law of the land. 3/4s said there is only 1 legit interpretation of Quran. Literal. #BacktheBan

China’s Leader Xi Jinping warns of ‘GRAVE SITUATION’ as CORONAVIRUS spreads at “accelerating speed”

Honk Kong closes schools. Video emerges of bodies piling up at hospital (watch) #Coronavirus

Hezb’allah chief: ‘Kill every American’

"Kill them all." Hezballah (Party of Allah) is a proxy of Iran. Like the Democrats.

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