BERTRAND DAILY REPORT The War For Your Mind and Soul Continues
Subject: Trump Transcript Here, The Real Focus Is On 'Crowd Strike' To Cover-Up Seth Rich Murder, Dems Attempt To Divert Attention, Deep State Panic.....
"Let the games begin" as the impeachment hysteria / Trump derangement syndrome fiasco reaches new heights beginning today with Dems waging war against Trump with baseless accusations that amount to little to nothing, but watch as the Dems believe they have the upper-hand.
What's really troubling is how Biden (as V.P.) held back a billion dollars (specifically as a threat) in-order to force the Ukrainian leadership to remove the Ukrainian prosecutor investigating corruption involving Biden's son, the focus by prosecutor prior to Trump's election in 2016.
In the phone call with Ukrainian President Zelensky, there is no threat of holding back the alleged $400 million dollars in an attempt to get the Ukrainian president to do anything, but watch as the Dems go nuts with that !
The cyber-tech company Crowd Strike was discussed, a U.S. firm hired by the DNC to create a bogus claim that Russia influenced the Clinton loss in 2016, and because it involves a Ukrainian investigation, we have learned the tables have turned, which of course.....the Dems are really focused on that operation which led to the Russian hoax.
The false claim created within the bowels of Crowd Strike and Fusion GPS that Russians (in Ukraine) gave HRC's trove of emails to Wikileaks (Julian Assange) is the cover-up of the Seth Rich assassination.
The FBI/DHS Joint Analysis Report (JAR) “Grizzly Steppe” was released yesterday as part of the White House’s response to alleged Russian government interference in the 2016 election process. It adds nothing to the call for evidence that the Russian government was responsible for hacking the DNC, the DCCC, the email accounts of Democratic party officials, or for delivering the content of those hacks to Wikileaks.
The Hunter Biden investigation requested by Trump is only a small part of what is really going-on behind the scenes of which can eventually cause major headaches for the DNC, Obama and Hillary Clinton as we edge closer to the 2020 election.
Creepy Joe Biden could possibly be running a failed campaign he knows he cannot win, unless the Deep State makes his nomination for him, as a means to avoid criminal action as a result of his unethical behavior as the former Vice President and the money he and his son acquired by blackmail and "pay-for-play" citing...."Trump is attempting to derail Biden's run for president," by asking for favors from the Ukrainian president.
The ONLY thing the Dems think they have without substance, is that Trump is going after an (unlikely) presidential contender. We thought Hillary would the same, but we also know the DNC basically said "hell no, you're too toxic."
So.....the name of the game is when a political type person is knowledgeable about a forthcoming investigation by an opposing political identity, then it behooves the suspect to run for office and claim it's a political hit job if the investigation proceeds.
There is no doubt...Trump will prevail and the "impeachment" attempt will fail, but for those that only watch fakestream media, it will appear that Trump is in hot water and the Dems of course (hope) that will be enough to carry their Communist candidate to the forefront.
---Dave Bertrand
Trump / Ukraine Transcript
PARTICIPANTS: DATE, TIME AND PLACE: (C) Telephone Conversation with President Zelenskyy of Ukraine Pre·sident Zelenskyy of . Ukraine Notetakers: The White House Situation·Room July 25, 2019, 9:03 - 9:33 a.m. EDT Residence (S/NF) The President: Congratulations on a great victory. We all watched from the United States and you did a terrific.job. The came from behind, -somebody who wasn't given much of a chan�e, and you ended up winning ea�ily. It'� a fantastic achievement. Congratulations. (:J;'UP' President Zelenskyy: You· are absolutely right Mr. Presideht.• We did win big and we worked hard for _this. We worked a lot but I would like to confe$s to you that I had �n opportunity to learn from you. We used quite a few of your skills· and knowledge and were able to use .it as an example to·r our ele.ctions -and.yes it is-true that these were unique elections. We were in a·unique situation· that we· were able to CAUTION: A Memorandum of a Telephone Conversation.· (TELCON) is not a verbatim transcript of a discussion. The text in this document records the notes and recollections of Situation Room Duty "Officers and-NSC policy staff assigned t_o listen.and memorialize the conversation in written form as the conversation takes place. A numper of factors can affect 'the accuracy of the reco�d, including poor telecommunications connections and variations in accent and/or interpretation. The word "inaudible" is used to indifate portions of a conversation that the notetaker was unable to hear. Classified By: 2354726 Derived.From: NSC SCG Declassify On: 20441231
achieve a unique success. I'm able to tell you the following; the first time,\ you· called me to · congratulate . me .when I won my presid�ntial election, and the second time you are now calling me when my party won the parliamentary election. I think I should run more often so you can call me more often and we can talk over the phone more often. (�;'!��) The Pre�:ddent: [laughter] That's a very good idea. T · think your c·ount,ry is very happy about that. (S/iQl',. President Zelenskyy: Well yes, to tell you the truth, we are trying to work hard because we wanted to drain the swamp here in our country. We brought in many many new people. Not the old politicians, not the typical politicians, because we want to have a new format and a new type of government .. You are a great teacher for us and in that. (3/H!i, The President: Well it 1 s·very nice of you .to say that. I will say that we do ·a lot for Ukraine. We spend a lot . of effort and a lot.of time. Much more than the European countries are ·'doing and they should be more than.they are. Germany does almost nothing for you. All they do is talk and I think it's something that you should ·really ask them about. When I.was· ·speaking to Angela Merkel she talks Ukraine, but she ·doesn't do· anything. A lot of the European countries are the. same way· so I think it's.something you want to look at but the United States has been very ·very good to Ukraine. I wouldn't say that it's reciprocal necessarily because things are happening that are not good but the United States has been very very . good to Ukraine. (3/MF) President Zelenskyy: Yes you are·absolutely right. �ot .only 100%, but actually 1000% arid I can tell you the following; I did talk to Angela �erkel and I did meet.with her. I also met and talked withMacron . and I told them that they are not doing quite as much as they need to be doing·on the issues with the sanctions. They are not enforcing the sanctions. They are not working as much as . they should work for Ukraine� It turns out that even though logically, the European Union should be our biggest· partner but technically the United States is a much bigger partner than.the European Union and- I'm very grateful to you for that because the United States is doing quite a· lot for Ukraine. Much more than the E"�ropean Union especially when we are talking about sanctions against the Russia,n Federation. r· · would also·li�e to thank you·for.your great support iri the area of defense. . We. are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps. specifically we a·re almost. ready to buy more Javelins from ·_ the United· States for defense purposes ..
•t:�;'HP) The· President: I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole si�uation with Ukraine, they s_ay Crowdstrike ... I guess you have one of your weal thy people... The server, they say Ukraine� There- are a lot. of things that went on, the· :whole situation .. I think you 1 re _surrounding yourse·lf with some of the same people. I . would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you t� ·get to the bottom of it�. As you sa� yest�rday, that whole nonsetise ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mue�le_r, an incompetent performance-, _but they. say a lot of it started with Ukraine. Whatever you can do, ·it's very important that· you. do it if that's possible. (l!l-,'HP) President Zelenskyy: Yes it is. very important for me and everything that you just mentioned earlier. For me as a President,-· it is very important and we are open for any future cooperation. We are ready to· open a new page on �ooperation in . relations between the United· States and Ukraine.· For that· purpose, I just recalled our.ambassador from United States and he will be replaced by a very competent and very experienced ambassador who wtll work hard on making sure that our two nations are getting clciser. I would also like and hope to see him having your trust and y9ur .confidence and _ have persona·1 relations·with you so we c�n cooperate even �ore so. I· wili. personally tell you that one· of my assistants· spoke with Mr. Giuliani just.recently and we are hoping very much that Mr. G1uliani will be able to travel to Ukraine and. we will meet once · he co�es to Ukraine. I just wanted to assure you once again_that you _have nobody but friends around-us. I w.ill make sure -that-I surro�nd myself with the best and most experienced people._ I also· wanted to ·tell you that we are friends. We are great· friends and you Mr. President have. friends -in our country so we can continue our strategic·�artn�rship. I also plan to surround · myself with great people ·and in addition to that investigation, I guarantee as the President of Ukraine that all the investigations.will be done_openly and candidly .. That I can assure you .. (:9/MF� The Pre·sident: Good because I· heard you had a prosecutor who· was very·good and he was shut down and that's really unfair. _·A lot of people are talking about that, the way they shut your �ery good prosecutor down and you had some �ery bad people involved. Mr. Giuliani is a highly respected man. He was the_ mayor bf New York Ci:ty, a great mayor, and I would like him to
call you. I will ask him to call yoti along with the Attorney·_ ·· General.· :Rudy very much knows what's happening and he is a very capable guy. If you could _speak to him that would be great. The former ambassador from the United $tates,· the woman., was bad news �nd th� people she was dealing with in .the Ukraine .were bad news so I jtist wan� to_let you know that� The ot�er thing, There's a lot 6f. talk about Biden's son,. that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you ·can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me. (S;'ti!F) President Zelenskyy: I wanted to tell ·you about the prosecutor� First df �11 I understand arid I'm kn6wledgeable .abotit the situation. Sine� we ha�e �on· the ab�olute majority in our Parliament; the next prosecutor .general will be 100%_ my person, my c'andidate, who will be approved, by the parliament and will start. a_s a new prosecutor in September. He or she will look. into the situation, specifically to the company that you -mentioned in :this issue. The issue of the investigation of the case is �ctually the issui of �aking sure to res�o�e the honesty so we will take care of.that and wi11·wo:tk on the investigation of the case. On top of that, I would kindly ask you if you have any additional information that you can provide ·to µs, it would_ be very helpful · for the investigation t·o make· that we administer justice i':r1 our country with regc:ird: to the Ambassador to the United States from Ukraine as far as I recall her name was Ivanovicli. It was great that you were the first one. who told me that she was a bad ambassador because I agree·with you 100%. Her attitude to.wards me was far from the best as she admired the previous President and she was on his· side. She would not accept �e as a new President· well enough. . . . . (3/MF) The President: Well, ·she' s going tO go through some things. I will. have Mr. Giuliani.give you a call and I _ am. also going to have.Attorney General Barr call and we will get to· the bottom of it. I'm sure you will figure it o�t. I heard the prosecutor was treated very badly and he was a very fa�r prosecuto_r so good luck with everything. Your. economy is going-· to get better and I You have a lot· of a,ssets. It's a great country. I have many Ukrainian friends, their incredible ·people. (B/MF�- President Z�lenskyy: I would like to tell you that I also have.quite a few·Ukrain1an friends that live iri the United· States. ·Actually last time I traveled to the Unit'ed States, I stayed in New York n�ar Central Park and I stayed at the Trump_
·';, s UNCLASSIFIED Tower. I will t ·alk to thetn and I hope to see t_hem· again in the future. I also w·anted to _ .thank you .for your invitation to visit the United States, specifically Washington DC. On ,the other hand, I also wartt td ensur� ·you that we will. be ��ry serious about.the case and will work on the investigation. As to.the economy, there is much potential for our two countries and one _ of· the ·issues. that is ve:;ry important for Ukraine is· energy independence. I believe we can b� very succ�ssful. and cooperating on energy independence witp United States. We -are already working on cooperation. We are buying Americ�n oil but I am very hopeful for- ·a future meeting. We will have more time and more opportunitie� to discuss these opportunities· and get to know each other better. I would like to thank you very much for your sv.pport - (8/Ui?� · The President: Good. Well., thank you very much and I appreciate that. I will tell Rudy and Attorney General Barr to.· call. Thank you. Whenever you would like -to come to the White House,. feel ·fr�e to call. ·Give us a date and we'll work that. out. I ·1ook forward to seeing you. (:9/Nil?) · President ·zelens�yy: Thank ·you very much. I would be very happy to come and would be happy to meet with you per�onally and I . . . get to know. you better. ::r: am l.ooking forward to our meeting arid I .also would like · -to invite you to visit Ukraine and come to the city bf Kyiv which is a beautiful city. We have a beautiful country Which would welcome you. On the other hand, I believe that on Septernber_l we will be in Poland and we can meet in Poland hopefully. After that,· it might be a very good idea for you to Ukraine. We can either take my plane and go to Ukraine or we can take your plane, which is probably mucl� better than mine. (�/MF) 'The President: Okay,. ·we can work that ·out. I look forwar·a to seeing you in Washington and maybe in· Poland bec·ause I think we are going to be there at that tlme . . {�/MF) · President · Zelenskyy: Thank you very much Mr. President. (El/HF� The President:· Congratulations on· a fantastic job you've done-. The whole world was watching. I'm not sure it was so much of an upset but congratulations. (B/HF' President Zelenskyy: Thank you Mr. President bye-bye .
From the Desk of Capt. Dave Bertrand (Ret.) Your Comments Are Welcomed and Can Be Published Unless You Specify Otherwise.
Retired Int'l Freight Captain (DC-8 & B-727), Former (State) Law Enforcement, U.S. Customs (UC) Miami Sector, US Army Military Police Veteran, Former Int'l Aircraft Repo Insurance Contractor, Former DHS/HWW Counter-Terrorism Instructor for Commercial Truckers, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University & University of Alaska (Undergraduate), Interests include Border Security, 9/11 Truth, Government Corruption, New World Order, Freedom vs Communism, Secret Space Programs & UFO Encounters, Aviation, and Enjoy Living Off-The-Grid.
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