Saturday, May 18, 2019

NEW WITH VIEWS 05/18/2019

LGBTQ: Forcing Us To Embrace Their Destructive Lifestyle

Someone asked, “What is behind the LGBTQ agenda?” The goal of LGBTQ enforcers is to forcibly normalize their lifestyle in the minds of the 97% of the population that is not LGBTQ. This is why we are bombarded with the LBGTQ lifestyle inserted into everything. Why are major corporations making the promotion of LGBTQ which are less than 3% of the population their top priority?..........
by Lloyd Marcus.

The SS Empire Windrush: The Mayflower In Reverse?

The ship was converted to military purposes in 1939. She was one of several vessels later turned into a hospital and evacuation ship employed to help rescue many thousands of Germans trapped in Latvia, East Prussia and Danzig by the rapid westward advance of the Red Army toward the end of the war.........
by Sidney Secular.

The Make-Believe World Of A Transgender Powerlifter

If our country continues on a path of denying the fixed, moral laws of the universe, this is a clear indication that we are no longer acting in accordance with reality. It is not real to think that a person, or a people, can do these things without disastrous consequences.........
by Jake MacAulay.
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