Tuesday, April 23, 2019


Bernie Sanders wants Islamic TERRORISTS to vote!? (disgusting)
Bernie Sanders wants to give convicted Islamic terrorists the right to vote in American elections -- and that's just the beginning. (this is MIND BLOWING!) Read More 
Tinnitus: When The Ringing Won't Stop, Do This For Instant Relief...
[Sponsored] Tinnitus sufferers cannot believe their ears as a new therapy actually restores their peace of mind in just a couple of days. Here's the simple method 43,000 people already used to silence the ringing completely. Watch now... 
Islamic terrorists claim credit for bloody Easter slaughter
A new radical Islamic terror group is claiming credit for the horrific massacre of Christians on Easter Sunday -- and what authorities are saying about the group is troubling. Read More 
Ocasio-Cortez woke up to VERY bad news Tuesday
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is in DEEP trouble. Learn about the secret plan forming to oust her from office in New York -- and why even LIBERALS are completely fed up with her nonsense. Read More 

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