Saturday, April 27, 2019


Submitted by: W.G.E.N.


 by Carl F. Worden

For many years, the Left has tried to convince us all that, "reasonable", gun control (like banning high-capacity semi-autos) has nothing whatsoever to do with gun confiscation.  They told us there would never be an attempt to overthrow our government simply because, "It can't happen here".

Well, it almost did happen here, and it was the Left that tried desperately to make it happen.

Those of us who are not sheltered under the umbrella of fake news are very aware now that an attempt was made by high-ranking officials working in the FBI, Justice Department and several intelligence agencies to use pseudo-legal means to remove our legally elected president from office.  These officials are mostly bureaucrats, employees of the Federal Government and never elected by The People, yet they teamed-up with disenfranchised political entities and the fake media to reverse the votes of 65 million Americans because they personally and philosophically didn't like our choice of president.

The Justice Department, now under the excellent leadership of William Barr as Attorney General, has geared up to expose and prosecute those involved in that plot.

With the probable exception of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, there has never been such an organized and widespread attempt to overthrow our nation and our Constitution by a relatively small group of malcontents working within our government, and it should be a wake-up call to anyone thinking Americans have no valid reason to own military-style, high-capacity semi-automatics because, "it can't happen here".

The true reason the Left has been wanting those guns banned has nothing to do with crime or mass-shootings.  Those particular guns are quite literally the last effective means of defense left to the citizens in case an another attempt is made to overthrow our government.

For example, if an overthrow had been successful after all our high-capacity semi-autos were confiscated, we citizens would be limited to low-capacity firearms, while the government forces would still have their full-auto high capacity firearms to, "restore order".

This is why the Framers of our Constitution included the Second Amendment, otherwise known as Article II of the Bill of Rights.  They wanted American citizens to have the same small arms as the military and police have, so when muskets were the standard small arms, our citizens had the right to own the same weapons.  As small arms technology progressed, the military and police have high-capacity semi and full automatic weapons, therefore the same rule applies to allow the citizens to keep and bear the same or similar weapons.  It was our Framers' version of an insurance policy for the citizens in case there was ever an attempt to overthrow our government.

Well, that day almost came!

What I have never understood is this:  Did these treasonous maggots really think we'd all stay home while they removed the best president The People have had since Ronald Reagan?  Did they really think 65 million armed Americans who voted for Trump would just accept an illegal bloodless coup as a mere legal proceeding?  Did they truly believe we Americans have become such lazy and gutless stooges we wouldn't rise up and kill every one of them? We would have every right to, let alone the obvious motivation to, because it would be a, "do or die", moment in our history.

So for any of you, "sportsmen", who didn't think hunters needed high-capacity military-style semi-automatics, you were right in a very limited way.  But Article II was never about hunting or self-defense; it was about defending our Constitutional Republic against exactly what almost happened these past two years.

Democrats have truly become the Enemy of The People of the United States!  They hate a Republican form of government in favor of a Democratic form in which 51% or more of the people can impose their will on the other 49% of the people.  They want to be able to force Americans to do their will -- against our will!  They murder our unborn babies and now want to murder our born babies.  They embrace every sordid and repulsive form of sexual perversion, while dismissing God's plan for the family unit as boring.  They welcome every illegal immigrant into our nation, while ignoring the crime, carnage and expense these same illegal immigrants cause to our population.  They have come to openly embrace Communism/Socialism as a better way for our government to operate, and now they have demonstrated their willingness to overthrow our president and government -- because they tried to!

Democrats are the very best reason to buy a military-style semi-automatic firearm and learn to use it effectively.  The Democrats truly have revealed themselves to be the very worst enemies of America and our people.

Carl F. Worden

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