Saturday, July 21, 2018


Submitted by: P McMillan

THE OP-ED REVIEW             7/22/18


The Left loses its mind:  “The hysteria greeting President Trump’s 
summit with Vladimir Putin is something to behold. “Trump, Treasonous 
Traitor” is the headline in the New York Times. “Treason Summit” is the 
phrase used in Bustle magazine. President Obama’s director of central 
intelligence, John Brennan, calls the Trump-Putin presser “nothing short 
of treasonous.” The Daily News cover cartoon this morning depicts Mr. 
Trump shooting Uncle Sam. There’s a #TreasonSummit hashtag.”

John Brennan’s anti-Trump tweets grow more and more maniacal. His latest 
tweet holds that Donald Trump’s Russian diplomacy in Helsinki “rises to 
& exceeds the threshold of ‘high crimes & misdemeanors.’ It was nothing 
short of treasonous.” That tells people all they need to know about the 
unseriousness of the left’s impeachment drive, not to mention exposing 
once again the demented malice behind the Obama administration’s spying 
on the Trump campaign. The unhinged criticism is also hilariously rich, 
given that John Brennan, who supported the Soviet-controlled American 
Communist Party, meets the textbook definition of a useful idiot for the 
House Democrat calls for military coup against Trump.
Angelo Codevilla, Claremont Institute senior fellow, professor emeritus 
of international relations at Boston University:  “The high professional 
quality of Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin’s performance at their Monday 
press conference in Helsinki contrasts sharply with the obloquy by which 
the bipartisan U.S. ruling class showcases its willful incompetence.”
The hysterical media/establishment/Deep State reaction to President 
Trump’s comments in Helsinki is based on a lie….Career U.S. diplomat and 
last U.S. ambassador to the Soviet Union:  “Did the U.S. “intelligence 
community" really judge that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential 
election? No, never.  It has not been tasked to make such a judgment, 
and its key members did not even participate in preparing the report 
which is routinely cited by Trump’s critics as proof of “Russian 
What’s really going on:  a mission to ‘Fracture Donald Trump’s Base’
But Republican voters don’t buy into the hysteria.
MSNBC's Joe Scarborough can’t understand it: 'Who the Hell Are These 
People? (Trump supporters)’'
Excellent 5 min video:  “If You Think Donald Trump is Putin's 'Puppet', 
You're Dead Wrong…Here are the Facts”

Trump posts video of Hillary in 2010 calling for a “strong Russia.”

´Get the f*** out of the building!´: Whoopi Goldberg and Trump supporter 
Judge Jeanine Pirro fight on The View before getting into a second 
screaming match backstage.

Obama Attacks Wealthy For Big Houses Before Returning To His $8 Million 

147 Million people worldwide want to come to America.  Democrats say 
open the borders!
“Yes, Democrats Are Now The Party Of Open Borders”
DNC Deputy Chair Keith Ellison: “National Borders Create an ‘An Injustice’”
 can now legally register to vote in San Francisco school 

Lisa Page testimony:  The Mueller investigation was launched to probe 
charges that the key FBI officials developing evidence in the case 
thought were baseless. “It tends to confirm the suspicion that the 
Mueller probe is a cover-up operation to obscure the criminal use of 
counterintelligence capabilities to spy on a rival presidential campaign 
and then sabotage the presidency that resulted.”
One FBI text message in Russia probe that should alarm every American.

Democrats get immunity from Mueller:  Tony Podesta Is Sixth 
Clinton-Linked Democrat To Be Granted Immunity — While Paul Manafort 
Rots In Prison For Same Crime.
Mueller Completely Ignores the Other Russian Hack Target: the GOP

One Grand Gallery in Portland puts up an image of President Donald Trump 
being brutally assassinated in their store window.  The violent graphic 
is in public view where children will be exposed to it and features the 
caption “F*ck Trump” below the image of his throat being sliced.
Drudge:  The Left Has a ‘Fetish’ For Trump’s Death

The National Guard´s deployment to the southwest border in mid-April has 
led to 10,805 "deportable alien arrests".
Busy Month for Illegal Immigrants Committing Heinous Crimes

“In the House and Senate races, Democrats are stealthily pouring in tons 
of money early to demonize Republican candidates before our supporters 
become engaged. Once our candidate has been branded the spawn of Satan 
before campaigning really begins, it is extremely challenging to change 
voters' perception of them.”

Brian Joondeph, MD  7/19

President Donald Trump is not a figure many feel empathetic toward. 
Nearly half the country hates him. Hate may be too mild a word. They 
despise him and equate him with the worst of human history, Hitler and 
the Nazis. They want him destroyed, literally and politically, along 
with his family. This includes Democrats, the media, and some Republicans.

His resignation or impeachment wouldn't be enough. He needs to face 
treason charges and punishment at the end of a rope or in front of a 
firing squad, along with his family. His supporters are guilty by 
association and must face similar justice.

But in To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus Finch told Scout, "You never 
really understand a person until you consider things from his point of 
view, until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it." This is 
the essence of empathy. You can't understand someone until you've walked 
a mile in his shoes. Let's for a moment climb inside Donald Trump's skin 
and walk around in it.

Trump was a successful businessman, a billionaire with properties, 
resorts, golf courses, and hotels around the world. He owned a huge 
private jet, only a half-step down from the one he currently uses. He 
has a beautiful wife and family; his children are smart and following in 
his business footsteps. He hosted a wildly successful television show, 
was a household name and a darling of the media before he decided to run 
for president. Yet he gave that up. Why would he do that?  As a 
septuagenarian, did his ego demand one more even bigger prize? Or, as 
some have speculated, was he approached by a group of patriots several 
years ago and told in no uncertain terms about the Deep State and 
America's trajectory into the abyss? Perhaps he was told that he was the 
only one who could run for president, have a chance of winning, then 
slow or stop America's decline.

Did he, as a consummate patriot, take up the challenge? Someday we may 
learn why he gave up a comfortable and successful life in exchange for 
years of scorn and derision. In Hillary Clinton, he fought a political 
opponent who was challenging, not personally, but for what and whom she 
represented: the establishments of both parties, the donor classes, the 
media, Hollywood, academia, and the Clinton machine that has been active 
since her husband's presidency two decades earlier.

He worked his butt off, campaigning around the clock. From his tweets at 
4 A.M. to his campaign rallies in multiple states in a single day, he 
worked harder than any candidate in recent memory. His opponent did the 
opposite. Sipping chardonnay and napping, she listened to her 
cheerleaders in the media, fawning over her every utterance, telling her 
repeatedly that she would win the election easily, and doing most of the 
campaigning for her.

Media coverage of Trump was and still is over 90 percent negative. His 
own party worked against his election, the party he represented and 
brought victory to. The big names in the GOP tried to undermine him – 
McCain, Romney, Bush, Ryan – all past presidents or candidates, the 
heavy hitters in the GOP, not to mention the Republican NeverTrump 
whiners. Then there was the Deep State, the unelected and unaccountable 
three-letter agencies, conspiring and working against Donald Trump, not 
only as a candidate, but also as president. They spied on his campaign, 
creating fictional dossiers used to justify FBI surveillance of Trump, 
his entire campaign staff, and his family. It was a concerted effort by 
the leadership of these agencies to prevent his election, then "an 
insurance policy" to destroy his presidency as a Plan B.

Phony accusations or Russian collusion tainted his presidency, providing 
a cloud over his election, much like a successful athlete winning a 
medal or championship fair and square and against all odds, then having 
his victory tainted with the accusation of rigging or cheating. How 
would such a winner react to claims that he didn't really win? 
Especially when he had worked so hard for victory and had so little help 
in the process.

The Russian collusion story taints Trump's successful campaign and 
election. The Mueller investigation and drumbeat from the media share 
the common refrain that Trump is an illegitimate president, that he 
cheated to win, conspiring with an enemy country. This is the same 
country, ironically, that so many of Trump's critics were in love with 
only a few years ago.

Trump has been working hard as president, accomplishing more in his 
first 500 days than any of his predecessors – tax cuts, a roaring 
economy, record unemployment, a reversal of 50 years of failed policy 
toward North Korea, strong judicial picks, and so on. Does he get any 
credit from the media or his own party? Hardly. Instead, scorn and 
insults continue to rain down on his head.  Wouldn't you be frustrated 
and bitter standing in his shoes?

Last is the Mueller indictment of 12 phantom Russians over supposedly 
hacking the DNC computers – computers the FBI did not even examine. 
Indictments are simply accusations, not verdicts in a court of law, and 
were announced the last business day before Trump's Russia summit. What 
a coincidence of timing, painting Trump in a box where he has to either 
validate the Russian collusion narrative or question the veracity of the 
U.S. intelligence community. Always the contrarian, he chose the latter 
option during his press conference with Putin.

Does Trump fully trust the intelligence services, the same ones that 
conspired to spy on his campaign and undermine his election, then tried 
to overturn his presidency? All this is based on the nonsensical 
assertion that Russia hacked the election, an absurd concept that even 
the media's savior Barack Obama said was impossible: "There is no 
serious person out there who would suggest somehow that you could even 
rig America's elections."

This is the same Intelligence Community that exonerated Hillary Clinton 
for crimes proven but never investigated and indicted Donald Trump for 
crimes investigated ad nauseam but never proven. The same Intelligence 
Community that told the world that Saddam had WMDs, dragging the U.S. 
and other countries into a costly and counterproductive war.

Put yourself in Trump's shoes: a highly successful businessman, in the 
latter years of his life, taking on the Herculean task of running for 
and winning the U.S. presidency. In victory he finds nothing but abuse, 
scorn, and betrayal, by friend and foe alike. He is surrounded by 
landmines, his intelligence community plotting a path to make sure he 
steps on one landmine after another. This is a journey few mortals would 
undertake or survive.

Is it any wonder he is pushing back against those trying to destroy him 
and his presidency, including the FBI, DOJ, and CIA, all in the thick of 
seditious activity against the duly elected president? He has few 
friends in Washington, D.C.; many who should have his back are eager to 
bury a knife in it instead.

The simplest explanations are often the best. Walk a mile in Trump's 
shoes, and his actions make all the sense in the world. A guy chosen by 
ordinary people, trying to make America great again despite so much of 
America trying to stop and destroy him. How would any rational person 
behave when standing in Trump's shoes?

Today, there is barely a peep in the mainstream media about the 
Clinton-Fusion-Putin connection. Imagine the outrage that would have 
ensued if we had learned that Trump had hired an opposition research 
firm with Putin-linked clients to dig up dirt on Clinton and that senior 
Russian government officials had been the sources of the unsubstantiated 
allegations that were leaked to the media. The left would be screaming, 
“Smoking gun!”

“Strzok could not recall being told that 30,000 emails from the 
Secretary of State had been contemporaneously redirected to an enemy? It 
seems that the Obama administration was compromised by a foreign enemy 
because of the stupidity of the secretary of state and the malfeasance 
of the FBI’s counterespionage division, which was distracted by its 
efforts to take down the Republican presidential nominee. In what world 
is this not a HUGE story? If we had a truly nonpartisan, unbiased free 
press, this would be banner headlines. But the entire media complex is 
instead talking about the Trump/Putin press conference.”
             -Gary Bauer

“By the left’s definition, we could impeach and try for treason any 
president that even dared to talk to someone who was unfriendly with us. 
But, really, the left knows this. They choose to ignore it, because by 
screaming ‘traitor, traitor, traitor’ now, they’ve ratcheted up the hate 
quotient of their base for Trump. That’s what they want. Imagine if 
someone had called President Trump a ‘traitor’ for talking to the Castro 
regime. The squealing by the left would be loud and long.”
                 -Investor’s Business Daily

Socialism surging: There are 42 Democrats running for offices at the 
federal, state and local levels this year with formal endorsement from 
the Democratic Socialists of America, The DSA’s paid membership hovered 
around 6,000 in recent years, but last week, its paid membership hit 
45,000 nationwide…..”little distinction made between the terms 
“democratic socialism” and “socialism” in the group’s literature…..the 
DSA constitution describes their members as socialists who “reject an 
economic order based on private profit” and “share a vision of a humane 
social order based on popular control of resources and production, 
economic planning, equitable distribution, feminism, racial equality and 
non-oppressive relationships….Members often refer to each other 
“comrades,” wear clothing featuring socialist symbols..and promote 
authors such as Karl Marx.”

The Left’s Newest Star Is None Too Bright.
Now she’s campaigning with Bernie.
“The future of the Democratic Party”,  Ocasio-Cortez, Calls for 
Occupation of Airports, ICE Offices: ‘We Have to Mobilize’

“Non-Binary” thug with green hair attacks and spits on teen Trump 
supporter in Seattle.

Maxine Waters supporters burn American flag.

Leftists Plan Nationwide Protest of SCOTUS Nominee.

Gun control advocates are hyperventilating over Kavanaugh.

Hillary’s claim that Kavanaugh would ‘turn the clock back to the 1850s’ 
was based on satire from a Trump-supporter

Hispanic organization supports Kavenaugh.

“Russian collusion by Saul Alinsky”:   Alinsky actually counseled 
radical leftists to look in the mirror and whatever you see, blame the 
other guy for doing or being that exact same thing.

  “Five days after the Helsinki summit I am inclined to believe that 
President Donald Trump either knows exactly what he is doing—that there 
is uncanny finesse and foresight behind his bluster—or else that he is 
guided by an almost unfailing intuition, with similar results. Trump’s 
refusal to parrot the Intel-deepstaters’ “Russiagate” narrative at last 
Monday’s press conference is a case in point. That refusal was perfectly 
justified, on factual as well as political and moral grounds. No 
evidence of any kind exists to prove Russian meddling in 2016, or 
thereafter. It never will be found, because Podesta’s and DNC mails were 
leaked, not hacked. The Meddling Myth is simply a tool the Deep State 
has used since December 2016 to torpedo Trump’s attempt at détente with 
Moscow. Its operatives saw it, rightly, as a threat to the maintenance 
of the neolib-neocon system of full-spectrum global dominance. It was 
right and proper for Trump to refuse to grand credibility to this 
“Imagine for a moment that the President had told Putin where to stuff 
that souvenir World Cup soccer ball. The media would have briefly 
approved, critics might have issued momentary grudging appreciation, and 
John Brennan might have put down the voodoo doll. Meanwhile, the layer 
of ice that would have encased the relationship would shut the door on 
things Trump actually wants to achieve, goals a little more lasting than 
kicking Putin in the shins in public.”
A New York University Russian Studies professor emeritus said the 
critical reaction to President Donald Trump's summit with Russian 
President Vladimir Putin is "like mob violence." "I've never seen 
anything like it in my life”
What Critics Missed About the Trump-Putin Summit
Surber:  The fervid and fetid attacks on President Trump and the 
American people who elected him took another strange turn this week when 
our attackers wet themselves crying treason because President Trump was 
diplomatic with Putin.

Still waiting for the outrage on Mexico´s election meddling

A professor's call to shut down our nation's universities.

Plastic straw feel-goodery

“The rights of neutrality will only be respected when they are defended 
by an adequate power. A nation, despicable by its weakness, forfeits 
even the privilege of being neutral.”
                -Alexander Hamilton

The Op-Ed Review is a compilation of the week’s news and opinions of 
interest to the conservative activist. I follow a variety of news 
sources and note what I think are the important events of the week that 
may be underreported in the mainstream media. I also read about 50 
syndicated op-ed columns each week and reprint part of what I think is 
the best one. The goal is to help the reader be a more effective 
activist for the conservative cause. If you would like to receive this 
as an e-mail each weekend, click here to drop me a note. 
mailto:garyfoss3@comcast.netGary Foss 47th District Republicans

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