Sunday, July 22, 2018

NEWS WITH VIEWS 07/22/2018

LGBT Thought Police Are Here

Ask yourself:  what has changed in most modern churches in the last ten years?  I dare say nothing.  Even though our culture most certainly has.  The demonically-influenced Obama — who many heralded as the “new Messiah” — saw to that.  He not only expanded and heavily funded everything evil and abhorrent to the Lord, he also brought in the false god of Islam, and fundamentally transformed the thinking of an entire nation..........
by Rob Pue.

Who Will Stand For America?

What most people don’t understand about Islam is the only reason they immigrate to other nations is to begin the process of taking that country over and making it a Islamic state.  Many scoff at the notion that this is their intent but these people are grossly uninformed.  Most even refuse to listen to the logic of that vile ideology called Islam. They even refuse to look at what is happening in Germany, Spain, France, and Britain as the numbers of Islamic refugees increase.........
by Pastor Roger Anghis

Blessed Is The Man Who Walks In The Council Of God, Part 1

The ungodly are going to be separated and shall not stand in the judgment with the righteous, so then where will they be separated to? Of course, it can’t be anywhere else but what is referred to as the Great White Throne Judgment. At this gathering there will only be those who are accursed, have already been dammed because they have continued to reject God by not accepting Christ who died for their sins.........
by JW Bryan

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