Tuesday, July 17, 2018


The FBI Is Ripe With Corruption, Bias, And Massive Abuse Of Power

Senator William Jenner was right and today we call what he described in 1954, the “Deep State.”  Since Donald J. Trump announced that he was a candidate for President of the United States, there has been a concerted effort to destroy him and all the people who surround him...that includes all of us “deplorables” who voted for him..........
by Kelleigh Nelson.

FBI – A Dishonest Law Enforcement Agency?

Many mysterious events have transpired during my life as a result of law enforcement investigations that I have been involved with. The events were of a serious federal nature that cost many individuals their lives. While I was the main investigator in many cases I was seldom mentioned and did not receive credit for the work I accomplished. Instead many others took credit for my work with the Peltier murder case and the Unabomber case.........
by Barry Clausen

Iran: Ripe For Regime Change

It is hard to believe that four decades has passed since the Islamic revolution was forced upon the Iranian people and their freedom disappeared. Under the rule of these adherents of death, everything in Iran is deteriorating while Iran’s religious government is strong and has a great deal of control on everything. Too much control without independent checks and balances encourages corruption, nepotism and inefficiencies.........
by Amil Imani

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