Sunday, December 31, 2017


Submitted by: S Short

The link below is oh so troubling indeed. There should never, never be any decision by a Judge to go against our Constitution. If a judge so desires to do so, then this Judge is guilty of Treason and should be removed immediately from the bench and arrested. What kind of nonsense is going on within our country to allow such actions. This goes beyond despicable....NO SHARIA LAW SHOULD BE APPROVED BY ANY LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY AND PARTICULARLY SHOULD NOT BE A DECISION BY A JUDGE TO ALLOW SHARIA LAW TO BE ACCEPTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE. If these people living within our country want to practice their religion that is their privilege but as far as the laws of our country they must abide, if not then they are breaking the laws and must be held accountable. All states must uphold our constitution, if not then leave and functions alone or with another country. Our Constitution must be upheld and supported otherwise WE THE PEOPLE DO NOT HAVE A COUNTRY. You,  our President, must demand and execute an executive order and if this executive is not carried out then those not abiding by must be held accountable. The Department of Justice must step in if our Constitution is not being upheld by a state, city or by any individual including Judges and all elected officials.

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