Sunday, December 3, 2017


X22Report Something The Cabal Never Saw Coming That Will Shatter Their Entire Plan - Episode 1438b (video)

CONTRIBUTOR: Blogdog. Something The Cabal Never Saw Coming That Will Shatter Their Entire Plan - Episode 1438b - YouTube &n... Out The X22 Report Spotlight YouTube Channel – Join the X22 Report On Steemit: Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit Report date: 12.03.2017 The corporate media are...


Flynn, Who Has Pedogate Files, Agrees To Cooperate With FBI. Prepare For Indictment To Be Unsealed.

CONTRIBUTOR: stompk. Trump has another brilliant chess move up his sleeve. Now, if Flynn was National Security Advisor for President Trump, he would be one guy who has the highest level of clearance and would know the big picture. And certainly Trump is all over the pedos. And Mueller, may have turned...


Breaking NEWS - S. Korean army launches 'military answer' against Kim Jong-un’s govt (video)



Pet Goat Predicts Today, 12/3/17 (video)

Pet Goat Predicts Today, 12/3/17CONTRIBUTOR: Coming Storm. The video Pet Goat ii is named after the story read in the classroom where Bush sat on 9/11... "The Pet Goat." Pet Goat ii refers to the next attack on the USA. The video refers specifically to this year and the time after the eclipse. Furthermore, they named hurricanes...


Latest Breaking News-Mike Zullo Provides Update on Arpaio investigation into the Forged Obama Birth Certificate(Dec 2017) (video)

CONTRIBUTOR: amy2x. Some never heard about information on the Obama Birth Certificate investigation and much more than that!-PLEASE WATCH THE WHOLE VIDEO...


750 Ft. Statue Found In Antarctica

750 Ft. Statue Found In AntarcticaCONTRIBUTOR: Roger In Kansas City. Ancient megalithic carvings over 750 feet high discovered in Antarctica.


The swamp Is Now Being Drained - Be ready When The Plug Is Pulled (video)

CONTRIBUTOR: Dr. William B. Mount. Here you get more news in 15 minutesthan anywhere else om the planet. ========== THE SWAMP IS BEING DRAINED - BE READY WHEN THE PLUG IS PULLED (15) Swamp Being Drained - Be Ready When The Plug Is Pulled - YouTube ========== It appears that the Lefties are being...


Alert: Get Off The Coasts! FEMA Warns NOW: Mega Quake To Hit California!!

Alert: Get Off The Coasts! FEMA Warns NOW: Mega Quake To Hit California!!CONTRIBUTOR: NEWSPREPPER. GET OFF THE COASTS! FEMA WARNS NOW: MEGA QUAKE TO HIT CALIFORNIA!! FEMA warns California! Get off the coast! M9 or greater is Imminent! Earth crustal shift, Cascadia Subduction Zone about to slip! Even the New Madrid has tripled in earthquake swarms! Prepare Now!! Test will simulate a 9.0 magnitude...


Copy of Jesus’ Secret Revelations to His Brother Discovered

Copy of Jesus’ Secret Revelations to His Brother DiscoveredCONTRIBUTOR: Alton Parrish . The first-known original Greek copy of a heretical Christian writing describing Jesus' secret teachings to his brother James has been discovered at Oxford University by biblical scholars at The University of Texas at Austin. To date, only a small number of texts from the Nag Hammadi library -- a collection...


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