Monday, November 14, 2016


Ex-NSA Agent Sees Dark Days Ahead for America Due to Trump's Election (video)

Ex-NSA Agent Sees Dark Days Ahead for America Due to Trump's Election CONTRIBUTOR: common sense. Vance Davis, formerly of the NSA and I recently had a conversation about where the country is headed in the next 6-8 weeks. I was surprised at some of the things coming our way. The challenges can be mind-numbing. The conversation drifted around to the question as to why John...


US Under Siege! See Plan for Nationwide Riots, Staged Events (Video) (video)

US Under Siege! See Plan for Nationwide Riots, Staged Events (Video) CONTRIBUTOR: N. Morgan. (N.Morgan) Since the historic election upset by dark horse Donald Trump, US cities have erupted in protests, violence, and looting. The events that are unfolding are believed to be well-planned out, heavily funded, anti-American plot to incite chaos by elitist George Soros, race baiter Al Sharpton, and left-wing anti-democracy eccentric,...


Woe! Somethings Going Down On Inauguration Day... Trust Me You Wont Like It! (video)

Woe! Somethings Going Down On Inauguration Day... Trust Me You Wont Like It! CURATOR: Lisa Haven. By Lisa Haven On Friday, January 20th, radical leftists and Hillary Clinton subjects are calling for thousands of activists to descend upon Washington D.C. on Inauguration Day. Their main goal is to dismantle Donald Trump from presidency. These Soros funded clowns are starting facebook groups, twitter accounts, and recruiting in...


Trump Expected to Appoint Independent Counsel to Investigate Clinton Foundation +Video (video)

Trump Expected to Appoint Independent Counsel to Investigate Clinton Foundation +Video CONTRIBUTOR: John Rolls. By Jim Kouri / Clinton. While the news media took it to mean another investigation of Hillary’s home-cooked Internet server and the transmission of classified information on her unprotected email system, it was obvious to most law enforcement officers listening to him that he meant something else: the Clintons’...


The Odds On Trump Making It to Inauguration (video)

The Odds On Trump Making It to Inauguration CONTRIBUTOR: common sense. I recently interviewed a former talk show host, turned entrepreneur, Ronnie McMullen. Ronnie is fearful about the next six weeks. We both questioned whether Trump will make it to the inauguration. Ronnie rattled off several threats coming Trump’s way. Make this video go viral....


Maryland High School Students Walk Out Hoax and Protest Donald Trump’s Election! Is Martial Law Close? (video)

Maryland High School Students Walk Out Hoax and Protest Donald Trump’s Election! Is Martial Law Close? CONTRIBUTOR: JayWill. Maryland High School STUDENTS WALK OUT HOAX & PROTEST Donald Trump’s Election! Is Martial Law Close? Written by JayWill7497 A group of hundreds of Maryland high school students walked out of class on Monday morning to protest Donald Trump’s presidential election, streaming into the school’s football field before numerous students...


George Soros Prepares for Trump War

George Soros Prepares for Trump War CONTRIBUTOR: Atlas Shrugs. My money is on Trump. And I am behind him 110%. George Soros, former Nazi colloborator has been at war against America and the forces of good for decades. It’s time to take that bastard down. Speaking of his days as a Nazi collaborator confiscating the property of Jews he...


Anonymous False Flag Alert: US Revolution 2017 (video)

Anonymous False Flag Alert: US Revolution 2017 CONTRIBUTOR: The Tap Blog. What They Don’t Want You To Know Published on Nov 14, 2016 Anonymous Message – You have to watch this! Something big is going to happen! This is the latest Anonymous message for the public. The concerns expressed in the message are terrifying....


Benjamin Fulford: Carpe diem Seize the Day and Mount a Final Assault on the Khazarian Mafia - 14 November 2016 (video)

CONTRIBUTOR: James Rathey. In the war against the Khazarian mafia, the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States is as the Russian victory at Stalingrad was for World War 2: a tide turning victory. However, it also means the war is far from over. This is how a source who...


Trump Trojan Horse - Darryl Robert Schoon (video)

Trump Trojan Horse - Darryl Robert Schoon CONTRIBUTOR: John Ale. Now that Donald Trump is the President-Elect of the United States, the world wonders: Will he actually do the things he said he will do? Darryl Robert Schoon returns to SGT report to examine the Trump presidency and answer the question; Is Trump for real - or is he merely...


CONTRIBUTOR: Dr. William B. Mount


CONTRIBUTOR: Michael Moore

CURATOR: Greg Ericson

CONTRIBUTOR: Paranormal Stories

CONTRIBUTOR: Paranormal Stories


CONTRIBUTOR: Doug Ross @ Journal

CONTRIBUTOR: The Vatic Project


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