Saturday, April 16, 2016


A radical faction emboldened by a "transformative" president, federal and state attorneys general, and governors who believe that the so-called rights being granted to LGBT people engaged in "gender identity" issues and same-sex "marriage" are trampling our religious liberties and the constitutionally-protected rights of 330 million Americans.

The LGBT crowd who claim to have been "bullied" have now become the bullies, and have the deep-pocketed support of radical secularists who are helping them wage a massive propaganda war.   

As blogger Matt Walsh recently wrote in an insightful article regarding the passage of pro-liberty laws in North Carolina and Mississippi followed by a vicious backlash by dozens of corporate CEOs and locality leaders ...

"[N]ot everyone in the nation is on board with liberalism's designs to turn our civilization into a debauched, androgynous dystopia where gays and 'transgenders' occupy the highest position in the social and legal hierarchy. But the left is not accustomed to being disobeyed in such a manner, which explains the utterly shocked and stunned reaction from leftists across the country to these two pieces of legislation."

"It is the seemingly total lack of kindness, magnanimity, and rationality displayed by many in [the LGBT] camp that necessitates this sort of legislation. If gays would simply respect the beliefs of Christian business owners, and if 'transgenders' would simply respect the privacy of women and children, there would be no need for laws forcing the matter. But here we are. And it's not the fault of Christians and conservatives that we arrived here. On the contrary, it's the fault of the very people now whining about being persecuted."

+ + We are standing against the bullies.
Liberty Counsel is calling grassroots Americans to Stand Your Ground against the activist bullies and the all-too-compliant media that are using propaganda to obscure the facts.

We must fight back using similar tactics to those who have strong-armed corporations by withholding patronage and personal contact. 

Liberty Counsel has created a list of organizations that have reportedly decided that LGBT "rights" trump the constitutionally protected First Amendment rights of people of faith by declaring their opposition to the laws considered or enacted in North Carolina, Mississippi, Georgia, and Indiana.

Although it would be very difficult to boycott all of the corporations, there are several ways to engage many of them: 

1.) Influence: If you know someone in the leadership of any of the listed organizations, or are a stockholder, then use your influence to express your displeasure in the leaderships' misguided decision.

2.) With your patronage: We ask that when given the choice of doing business with these organizations or another option, you choose the other option.

3.) Personal contact: A letter or phone call can go a long way. Be courteous when you express your views. Chances are, the person you're talking to wasn't the decision maker, and in this case, is likely to agree with you!

Click here to review the list – and after your review, please consider making a special gift to Liberty Counsel to help in our ongoing efforts to protect our liberties from the onslaught of radical activists.


We can't shrink back. We must aggressively resist this misguided movement. We are working to build up our litigation fund to help us provide legal assistance for those under attack. Earlier, I expressed to you the need of $50,000 to help us respond on behalf of principled government workers, pastors, and Christian business owners facing legal nightmares because of their stand for the truth.

I'm taking that need directly to you. Click here to give your best gift and to review the list of anti-religious liberty corporations.

Standing with you,

Mathew D. Staver,
Liberty Counsel

P.S. Ironically, singer/songwriter Bruce Springsteen exercised his right of conscience when he canceled a scheduled concert in North Carolina in an effort to prevent North Carolinians from exercising their right of conscience.  Springsteen, along with over 120 corporate leaders, are using their bully pulpits to advance their agenda. It is pure hypocrisy!

Together, let's rally united in the power of our Lord - and in great numbers!


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