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Not voting not debating !!!
- no Trump - no vote - no kidding ...
♥†♥ ♥†♥ ♥†♥
Thanks - beloved Ginny Linn
Here's the latest on Europe ...
Yuri Bezmenov is at at the 14:50 mark on the vid
With Open Gates: The forced collective suicide of European nations
- Extended Cinematic 1080p
Death of Nations -
Published on Nov 9, 2012
We studied about Yuri a few years back ...
Former KGB Agent Yuri Bezmenov Explains How to Brainwash a Nation (Full Length)
Published on Dec 28, 2012
Yuri Bezmenov
✡ ✡ ✡
Yavoh ~ He is coming !
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Veterans in Isreal
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Thanks - beloved Lorene
Donald Trump - Thank You to Our Veterans
November 11, 2015
November is a great month for Americans. In New York City, we get to look out on Central Park and see the leaves change as we move from the beauty of Fall to a magnificent city cloaked in the chill and briskness of Winter. What we Americans often gloss over is that November is a time for celebrating the very reason we enjoy the freedom, opportunity and prosperity found nowhere else in the world. The reason we are able to live like we do is due to the courage, dedication and sacrifice of those who serve in the armed forces of the United States and to those who have given the last full measure.
This November we should pay particular attention to the world situation. All over the world, young men and women who have volunteered to serve this nation are standing watch to protect us from the evil that is focused on taking away all that we value. We have turmoil in the Middle East, unrest in Europe, aggressive expansion in the Pacific Rim and stateless terrorism that threatens every aspect of freedom all across the globe. At no time in history have things been so precarious. Yet, we are able to find the best among us to step forward and take on the traditions and values of generations past, humbly putting on the uniform of this nation. They do so to support and defend the Constitution, not the President, the Congress or even the flag. They swear to defend an idea and an ideal. As is so subtly stated in the Preamble of our Founding Document, they take on the task “to secure Liberty for ourselves and our posterity.”
On November 10th, the Marine Corps celebrated its 240th birthday. The Marines were, are and will remain unique in the world, a force that is first to fight and last to come home. The Marines have maintained the highest standards and “once a Marine, always a Marine,” captures the sense of duty and honor that permeates every pore of those who have worn the Eagle, Globe and Anchor.
Today, we honor all veterans who are and have served in the armed forces. This day has special meaning to so many. Over the years, I have hired thousands of veterans and have found them to be among the very best. They bring no attention to themselves except in their extraordinary professionalism and dedication to whatever they choose to do. Quietly, humbly, and without fanfare, they go about their daily lives being great citizens, good moms and dads, and loving, devoted companions. Bearing up under the terrible damage of war, so many carry on with dignity and grace. We should be so proud of them and we should honor them every day.November is also the month we celebrate the Military Family. Too many of us have never had to be away from family and friends on holidays, birthdays and anniversaries. We have never been asked to risk life and limb in places we cannot even find on a map. We go about our daily lives enjoying freedom, most of the time without ever thinking about what it is like to have a loved one in harm’s way. The sacrifice and strength of military families, those who also serve, is so important to morale and welfare of those so far from home.
I have lived a full life and have benefited more than most from the opportunities found in this country. I have a loving, healthy family and I am running for President — only in America. To be where I am, I thank God every day for those who stand on the ramparts of liberty with courage, strength, humility and dignity. So, this November, let’s celebrate our veterans and their families and keep them in our prayers. Because of these dedicated Americans, we will be able to Make America Great Again !
Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.
1 John 2:15-16 KJV
Our Veteran Nation - Generations of Valor !!!
Happy Veterans Day to Those Living and Dead Who Protected Our Freedom
by Debbie Schlussel
It’s something I say every year on Veterans Day. And Memorial Day, too. The service and sacrifices of those brave men who served on the battlefield and in other capacities in service to our country should be remembered every single day and not just on these two holidays. Without them (and G-d), we wouldn’t be here, wouldn’t have a country, and we certainly wouldn’t be free.
But their lives and limbs should be sacrificed sparingly . . . for things that matter, for wars that matter. Let’s bring those who are still serving America in Afghanistan and Iraq (yes, we are back) and bring them home safely so that they, too, can be remembered on Veterans Day and not Memorial Day. Sadly, because they’ve been sent to a losing war in Iraq to hand over a Muslim country from one sect of Muslims who hate us to another group of Muslims who hate us and created a vacuum, we are now sending some of our soldiers back to that hellhole to risk it all again to rescue others from ISIS. And we still have men on the ground steadily being picked off by the Taliban and its sympathizers in Afghanistan. Bring them home.
And make their service and sacrifice count for something more. Why on earth did they go over their to lose limbs, minds, and lives . . . if we are now letting in–and have let in–thousands of Muslims who are and will continue to transform our country to an Islamic state through immigration and birth rate and take away our freedoms little by little, through their intolerance and arrogance? Didn’t our soldiers fight terrorists and extremists over there so we wouldn’t have to fight them on U.S. soil? Instead, Bush and Obama more than doubled the Islamic population to America and made fighting them over there an effort that was completely in vain. And, yet, we are still there, anyway, as we continue to open the doors wide to them on our shores a la Europe.
Also, as we celebrate Veterans Day and remember the service and sacrifices of those who served and survived, let’s remember those who survived but came home with arms and legs missing, with eyes gone and whole faces and body parts disfigured, making life difficult for them forever. Those who have all the body parts but their heads and minds are now messed up from explosions and trauma. Again, why did they sacrifice part of themselves over there, when we have imported thousands of the enemy here to slowly transform our country to “over there”?
On this Veterans Day, I remember those who served in World War II, a war which America actually had the guts to fight and where there was CLEAR good and evil. We were the good guys, no matter what Brad Pitt and Hollywood told me in “Fury” (read my review). We didn’t hand out candy or build roads while bombs showered our military men and women who trained for war, not to become de facto civil servants for enemies who hate us. And we didn’t welcome hundreds of thousands of impossible-to-vet Nazis to our shores to take over (just a few of them to help with our space program–and that was too many). After the Japanese bombed us at Pearl Harbor, did we welcome hundreds of thousands of unvetted Japanese to come live her and change the country from within? Hell no. We didn’t let the German American Bund take over. But we are letting Islam and Muslims do that. So why did we go to war over there?
On this Veterans Day as on every other before it, I will visit the graves of my two favorite vets, my late father, who served as a U.S. Army Captain during Vietnam, and my great-uncle Maurice J. Schlussel, MD, who became the U.S. Army’s chief medical officer for the South Pacific after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. My dad always thought that going into Iraq was a mistake and a no-win situation that would end up in Middle East instability on a great level. Bingo. He didn’t know the name ISIS–that developed ever he died. But he said the war and the ultimate de-Ba’athification of the Iraqi government would enrage Sunnis and they would fight back. Father knows best. That’s exactly how ISIS was created. The Sunnis created Al-Quaeda in Iraq which became ISIS. And there you have it. ISIS all over the Middle East and Africa, bombing planes, taking over countries (Libya, Iraq, Syria, with a presence in the Egyptian Sinai and other African countries, as well as cells and sympathizers in Europe and the U.S.) If we aren’t willing to protect those things on U.S. soil, and merely open the floodgates repeatedly to invaders, we have no business sending our military to make sacrifices anywhere else in the world.
Today, as on each of the past six Veterans Days for which he has been in office, as you watch the President at various Veterans Day ceremonies, giving speeches and regurgitating trite plaudits to our military that he does not mean, know that the ghosts of Arlington National Cemetery cry out over his transgressions, his deliberate missteps that attempt to reverse what our brave men fought and died for, with the whole world laughing at and disrespecting America, once a strong bastion of the free and the brave. Now, it is a weak, borderless, Islamo-pandering place with a severely shrunken military, thanks to cooperation of Republicans with that Obama move. Neither Paul Ryan nor Mitch McConman will do anything to change the status quo. They are allies of Obama, not the American people who put them in power and wanted a loyal opposition. Instead, we got a partnership of loyal pander-sition.
Pray for our troops that are still serving both overseas and on U.S. soil. Appreciate their service and pray for their well being and an emergent homecoming for them. Bring all of them home alive in one peace, so that they will be veterans next Veterans Day and not the mourned next Memorial Day.
To those who served and survived, including my cousin Damian Schlussel, Happy Veterans Day to you and thank you for your service. Thank you for risking your life and limb so that I and the rest of us can live our lives freely. So that I can say what I want here on this website and others can read it without fear of punishment. Your risks and service mean the world to me.
To most of us.
Thanks, Dad, and thanks, Uncle Maurice.
And thanks to all of you who kept us alive and safe and continue to do so on U.S. shores in
whatever capacity in which you served. If you’ve ever worn the American military uniform in
service to America, G-d Bless You (unless, of course, you spent your time in uniform appeasing the enemy).
Without you, our brave American veterans, who served knowing you might be called
on to make the ultimate sacrifice, we wouldn’t be here living free.
Jewish soldiers in the U.S. Armed Forces praying during World War II at Normandy
and in Germany on Nazi enemy territory, including in Goebbels’ home.
MUST SEE EXCLUSIVE Moving Veterans Day Photos From WWII
by Debbie Schlussel
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