Monday, February 23, 2015


An article by: Donald Hank

It is incredible that this dichotomy between Sunni and Shia is so well hidden from Western readers. I had to run to Google countless times over the years to keep this straight. The bottom line is that we are supporting precisely the wrong side.
Please take note:
Sunnis are the Islamic fundamentalists. The more radical of them believe anyone who disagrees with them must die. Unfortunately, Sunnis make up the bulk of the Muslim world.  Shia make up most of the rest. Ironically, Syria and Iran, which we antagonize and treat like enemies, are mostly Shia, the less radical ones! This is the main reason Christians and Jews survived in these countries for so long -- until the middle of the 20th century when the antagonism started. But it is more complex than that. Initially, it was not just antagonism. It was also Carter's misguided role in overthrowing the secular Shah (analogous to the West's role in supporting the Arab Spring).
Shia (Shiites) have all committed the "sin" of interpreting the Koran liberally. They are therefore the targets of Sunni radicals.
Who are the Sunni radicals?
They are the terrorists in the Middle East, like Al Qaeda and ISIS, and also the Taliban. They are supported by terror supporting countries, headed by Sunni-majority Saudi Arabia. NONE of the terrorists who attacked the Twin Towers, for example, were Shia!
If we fought mostly the Sunni terrorists and defeated them, we would all be a LOT safer. Instead, we had a major role in creating them: the Taliban in Afghanistan, Al Qaeda, and now ISIS. One major reason for Western support of the latter 2 terror groups was to overthrow Assad in majority-Shia Syria, even though Assad is the only thing standing between Syrian Christians and death, persecution, banishment and loss of all their historic landmark churches. In other words, Assad represents true tradtional Western values while our "allies" -- like the Western elites -- hate those values. This will never work out well for the West! Yet the sheeple have been bamboozled so far into accepting the absurdity that we must defeat the less radical Shia and support the more-radical Sunnis.
The US and, unfortunately, Israel, have thrown their weight to Sunni Saudi Arabia, for various reasons: 
1--The Saudis have the most oil
2--The Saudi royals are willing to compromise with the West and with Israel.
This means that we have an untenable foreign policy where the natural allies of the American people, ie, the less radical Shia, are declared the enemy, while the more dangerous trouble makers, the Sunni are our actual "allies" (but in fact¿, ONLY the allies of the Western oligarchy, NOT the peoples of the West).
This is based mostly on cowardice. The Western eliltes really don't want to fight the Sunni radicals like ISIS who are are protected by the Saudis, who send money and arms to Al Qaeda and ISIS. Another important reason for Western support of Sunnis is that the entire Western oligarchy despises Judeo-Christian culture and are more than willing to put all Western peoples at risk to stamp out this culture, from which our prosperity and our free enterprise grew. We will never defeat ISIS until we change our foreign policy radically and put the Saudis in their place. 
There is only one way this could possibly be done: by allying with Russia, which is respected in the majority-Shia countries of Syria and Iran.
But the Western elites invariably ally with the wrong people and antagonizes the natural allies of the people they falsely claim to represent.
Worse, there have been a few essentially non-Muslim (secular) regimes that have brought progress to their people. These include the Kurds as well as Ghadaffi, Mubarak and Saddam, all of whom were overthrown through Western influence to usher in more radical Islamic regimes. Of these, only one was a true troublemaker at the time he was overthrown, and that was Saddam, who threatened Israel. Could he have been influenced through diplomacy? Possibly, for example, if Russia and/or China had been involved in the diplomatic effort. But no one will ever know. The Western oligarchy has lost the art of diplomacy and refuses to use it.
America has not truly won a war for over 70 years. Any wonder why?
If Israel goes through with its plan to attack Shiite Iran, all bets are off.
Don Hank

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