Sunday, August 18, 2013


Protect American Children, Families and
U.S. Sovereignty From U.N. Meddling!
Demand NO Fake "Disabilities" Treaty
One of the most prominent voices against the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Disabled Persons (CRDP), former Senator Rick Santorum warned us after our December victory to stall ratification of this treaty, "CRDP is not dead… its supporters are pushing to bring it up in the next Congress."
He was right – and we MUST defeat CRDP today!
Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Menendez (D-NJ) has stealthily revived ratification attempts for the so-called treaty THIS MONTH.
And Menendez is continuing to work right now to gather support to force this treaty – already signed on July 30, 2009 by former Ambassador to the U.N. and Benghazi bungler Susan Rice – through Senate ratification while we are all currently focused on more high profile issues!
If Menendez is not stopped, not only will disabled Americans be subject to the authority and enforcement mechanisms of the United Nations first and foremost, but so too will be their families, employers, neighbors – each and every one of us – by DEFAULT.

Article 6, Section 2 of the United States Constitution sets forth that all treaties ratified by the Senate become part of the "supreme law of the land."
If we don't hound the Senate to REJECT the CRDP, our parental rights and our national sovereignty will be displaced from our own homes and usurped from our public life as the United Nation's "evolving concept" of disabilities and what that means in terms of "rights" becomes ascendant as the supreme law of the land right here in the United States.
Pro-life opponents of this unconstitutional, anti-American treaty are warning that if passed, the CRDP could uphold Roe vs. Wade no matter what OUR courts decide!
Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) warns that "more than two dozen areas of national life including education, health, employment, accessibility, and independent living" would be affected by this treaty.
"Ratifying nations must enact, modify, or abolish not only laws and regulations at all levels of government – federal, state, and local – but also social customs and cultural practices," Sen. Hatch noted in July as the CRDP emerged back on the Senate radar. "Ratifying nations must refrain from engaging in any acts or practices that are inconsistent with the treaty as well as ensure that all public authorities and institutions act in conformity with it." The seditious nature of this globalist U.N. instrument is clear!
The last time around, we defeated the CRDP by a mere five votes leaving Reid unable to reach the 2/3 vote threshold.
Our elected officials, again, need to hear your resounding REJECTION OF THE SOVEREIGNTY-CRUSHING, ABORTION-PROMOTING CRDP!
There is no doubt that the United Nation globalists in Congress are working with the Obama to violate the U.S. Constitution and to steamroll U.S. sovereignty, this time seeking to subject our most private family decisions to the United Nations for approval – killing liberty plus ensuring that the U.S. gets stuck with picking up the multi-million dollar tab for U.N. treaty compliance!
It MUST be stopped NOW!
The United Nations Convention on Rights of Disabled Persons (U.N. CRDP) is not only a globalist assault on parental rights, family privacy, disability and childhood education and care alternatives like homeschooling – it is an anti-American sovereignty nightmare that implicates U.S. legal compliance in another extremist treaty, the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women.
THAT treaty, to which the U.S. is NOT yet a party, enshrines abortion and homosexuality as basic "human rights" and is another U.N. gun grab that calls for universal disarmament!
Already, 153 countries have signed the treaty United Nations Convention on Rights of Disabled Persons (CRDP) – including the United States. ALL that prevents this odious treaty from intruding the coercive power of the United Nations and the U.S. federal government right into your home is REJECTION by the U.S. Senate. But we aren't yet certain of enough NO votes to stop CRDP! WE NEED YOUR HELP URGENTLY TO GALVANIZE SENATE REPUDIATION OF THIS GLOBALIST POWER GRAB!
This is yet another awful U.N. treaty that threatens American sovereignty, promoted by foreign diplomats and their internationalist allies in our federal government. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Disabled Persons (U.N. CRDP) empowers government agents above the authority of parents of disabled children, outlaws corporal punishment of ALL children (including spanking!) and endorses and facilitates government-paid abortions.
Proponents, including many Republicans, falsely claim it will help to expand rights and opportunities for disabled people in all nations. Fortunately, pro-Constitution Senators like Mike Lee and Ted Cruz reject these specious arguments, and are likely to lead the charge to again shut ratification of the CRDP down. But many RINOs like John McCain are fight their valiant efforts!
"When you look at the language in the treaty you realize there are other things at stake here. A lot of language in there has nothing to do with disabilities and that is likely to push the U.S. toward more international law," and should make the CRDP ineligible for U.S. ratification, according to former Senator Jim DeMint, now president of the Heritage Foundation.
DeMint says the language of the treaty reveals that it will promote abortion and erode rights and parental legal authority – particularly the rights of homeschooling parents.
"Homeschoolers are up in arms. We already have some judges in our country that are using international law to change our laws. We're afraid that if the language suggests that parental authority is not absolute, we're going to have an international body telling our parents they can't homeschool."
PERSECUTION OF HOMESCHOOLING FAMILIES IN EUROPE IS ONGOING, AND SHOCKING, and includes detaining and jailing of homeschooling parents, state seizure of children from their parents, and families having to flee to avoid unjust prosecutions! NOT IN AMERICA! THIS U.N. TREATY MUST BE DEFEATED!
Senator DeMint rightly notes that the U.S. is by far the most respectful nation on earth of the God-given natural parental authority to raise children according to a family's decent beliefs and convictions, and that the U.S. is the most accommodating nation in the world to people with disabilities. For the U.S. to ratify this Convention can only create globalist mischief, and diminish our American sovereignty. "We're well entangled internationally at this point; we don't need another treaty," says DeMint. "America needs to be the model of the world. We need to be the light rather than trying to submit ourselves to other nations."
The U.N. thinks ALL our children must NOT ever receive any corporal punishment including spanking, that they must be NOT be exposed to any knowledge or familiarity to guns, and that they MUST be facilitated abortion services by the state. This U.N. treaty WILL violate the parental rights of authority in families caring for minors, including disabled children AND compel signatory states to provide free abortions as part of mandatory "reproductive health" services for disabled individuals!
MAKE NO MISTAKE: This treaty tramples American sovereignty AND opens the door to unaccountable bureaucrats to come into your home and decide how best to educate and care for YOUR children!
Article 4(5) eliminates state and federal sovereignty on disability laws.
Article 4(1)(a) demands that all American disability laws must be conformed to U.N. standards.
Article 4(1)(e) requires "every person, organization, or private enterprise" to eliminate 'discrimination' on the basis of disability. (In other words, every home and business owner would have to be fully accessible to those with disabilities.)
Article 4(2) allows the U.N. to determine the legitimacy and lawfulness of the budget of the United States to assess compliance. It also requires the United States, as a wealthy nation, to fund 'disability programs' in poor nations.
Article 6(2) promotes abortion rights, homosexual rights, and demands the complete disarmament of our population by forcing the United States to comply with the general provisions of the U.N. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women.
Article 7(2) empowers the government (acting as an arm of the U.N. according to U.N. norms) to determine what is best for all children with disabilities… (American federal law currently requires public schools to offer special assistance to children with disabilities, but no parent is required to accept such assistance.)
Article 15 calls for a ban on "inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment." This the exact same 'noble' language used in the U.N. Convention of the Rights of Children (UN CRC) outlawing all corporal punishment, which has been authoritatively interpreted to ban any spanking by parents and is not limited to persons with disabilities.
Article 25 ERADICATES parental rights by omitting the parental rights rules of earlier human rights treaties and coupling it with "the best interest of the child" standard in Article 7(2). This same article also requires signees to "provide persons with disabilities … free or affordable health care … including in the area of sexual and reproductive health and population-based health programmes."
When the United States joined 19 other nations to approve the CRDP in 2008, our delegation issued an official statement that the phrase "reproductive health" does not include abortion. But that was just empty whistling in the wind, because international law does not recognize the validity of one nation's reservations to a treaty ratified by many other nations.
In 2009, then-U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made a change of policy ON THE RECORD, stating that the definition of "reproductive health" includes abortion. In testifying before the House Foreign Affairs Committee on April 22, 2009, she said: "Family planning is an important part of women's health, and reproductive health includes access to abortion."
THIS IS CHILLING. Liberal justices, like Ruth Bader Ginsburg, have already urged using foreign law to interpret U.S. domestic laws – and now, if this convention is not stopped, the door will be left wide open to the trumping of our U.S. domestic laws with the whims of a U.N. "committee of experts"! What few restrictions we have managed to maintain in America against the eugenicist, abortion-on-demand globalists will be swept aside!
This is the United States of America. The liberals may be plotting a globalist legal and policy putsch, or they may be just conveniently forgetting that the rights and freedoms of individuals with disabilities are already well protected under our Constitution and existing case law. But if America is to remain a sovereign nation, we cannot afford to let our lawmakers have such a memory lapse. Just like able persons, disabled Americans are treated in the United States with more rights and more respect than in any other nation on earth, regardless of wealth or circumstances. If the rights of disabled Americans require further protection or definition then it should be accomplished through the appropriate legislative processes right here in the U.S. – NOT outsourced to international law through the United Nations as a one-size-fits-all, globalist "solution" of grasping, meddling bureaucrats!
Advocacy organs such as Disability Scoop and some of our elected officials on Capitol Hill are touting this treaty as an instrument that promotes "greater community access" and a "better standard of living" for people around the world with disabilities, but don't be fooled.
The CRDP removes parental authority in favor of faceless bureaucracy, and leaves globalist agencies and government in charge of deciding what's best for OUR children! These decisions must NEVER be surrendered to international agencies, national governments, nor ultimately subject to the America-undermining United Nations general assembly. This treaty leaves the health, welfare, wellbeing, education and the futures of OUR children and especially our vulnerable disabled American youth at the mercy of the America-hating, ever-expanding United Nations globalists.
The United States signed onto this BINDING global pact submitting America's treatment of disabled individuals to international scrutiny during the first year of the Obama administration in 2009, but SENATE RATIFICATION is still needed to make CRDP official and fully enforceable.
This unnecessary international agreement is expected to sail through the Senate with 'bipartisan' support unless WE ACT NOW to demand the U.S. Senate defend our liberty, sovereignty and private decision-making from U.N. encroachment!
The CRDP has been relentlessly shoved along toward ratification by USEFUL IDIOTS IN THE SENATE from both the left and right wings of the establishment, keen to surrender our national sovereignty to political correctness and ever-growing globalist bureaucracies.
Speaking about the swift schedule of U.N. adoption and broad membership ratifications, a lead representative noted: "By U.N. standards this is very rapid progress. However, the real work of implementing the Convention is still to be done," said Jennifer Lynch, Chair of the International Coordinating Committee (ICC) of National Human Rights Institutions.
Ms. Lynch advocates national human rights commissions to maintain a dominant role for CRDP. Under its auspices, a global disability rights database is being established, which will provide an internationally comparable source of information on disability and human rights.
The database will assist with the collection, analysis and reporting of disability complaints, compliance and other related issues to control OUR families' care and education. National human rights institutions from each of the ICC's four regional groupings – Africa, the Americas, Asia-Pacific and Europe – will be involved in the project. ICC Chair Jennifer Lynch said the database will have a range of practical applications "to promote social change by helping national institutions to more effectively monitor implementation of the CRPD…
…National institutions must do what they can to inform their governments and citizens of how the Convention can make societies just, equal and accessible for all."
If this convention is not stopped, the parents of an estimated 1.5 million home-schooled special needs children will be subjected to the scrutiny of international bureaucrats telling them what is in the best interest of THEIR children!
"The [U.N. treaty] would usurp the rights and powers of parents here in the United States to do what is best for their special-needs child by placing the law of the U.N. above the rights of the parents," said former GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum and his wife Karen in a statement. "It is the job of our elected representatives to preserve these rights, not hand them off to unaccountable international bureaucrats."
"If the Senate ratifies this treaty," their message says, "it would be the first time ever that the U.S. has ratified a treaty that obligates us to recognize economic, social and cultural entitlements as rights under domestic law. Please take the time to examine this treaty carefully." And then URGENTLY SHOUT at the Senate to vote NO!
Some establishment Republicans remain unconvinced by conservative arguments, claiming that the convention "offers a forum" for the United States to influence other nations to recognize the rights of disabled individuals. They insist the CRDP will help Americans with disabilities be protected and accommodated while abroad.
But there are already MANY U.S. and international laws to do just that! And as with other U.N. treaties, once approved, this convention authorizes vast government powers inside our private sphere of home and family life that cannot be contained, and that are inimical to liberty! The CRPD will establish a treaty body composed of unelected "experts" – the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities that evaluates the compliance of state parties to the treaty every four years and issues recommendations for how they might improve and be brought into better compliance in fulfilling their obligations – leaving wide open the opportunity for the U.N. to broaden, redefine and expand the original treaty!
If ratified, the CRDP will trump U.S. state laws, in effect becoming the supreme law of the land under the U.S. Constitution's Supremacy Clause in Article VI. It will also be used as a binding precedent by state and federal judges! The U.N. will take over essentially every aspect in the care and treatment of disabled individuals; vitiate our laws, culture, and traditions of familial care – and stick us with the bill.
Obama's Senate MUST be stopped from ratifying this freedom-killing, sovereignty-strangling, U.N. treaty! And the U.S. House MUST use its power of the purse to choke off funding to this liberty-killing convention! MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD, right now, we can make sure the U.S. Senate does NOT have the 67 votes it needs to ratify this travesty.
Keep Faith,

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