Thursday, January 17, 2013


To the Patriots: Arm Yourselves, for the Hammer's Crashing Down
In this dark hour, when liberty is under such relentless assault, it is necessary for you to steel yourselves, and arm yourselves, spiritually, mentally, and physically.  And above all, it is a time to set aside fear, and to reject despair and to embrace our place in history.  We were born as Americans, at this time, for a reason, and it was not to cower in fear or to dissolve into a gelatinous mass of despair.  We were born free men and women, and we will die free men and women.  No one gets out of here alive anyway, and in the end, all that matters is that our children and grand-children are free.  Everything else is a side-show.
To put us in the right frame of mind, I present to you the powerful song "Arm Yourselves" by my good friend Jordan Page.  Arm Yourselves is a call to action for every free American to stand up for their Constitutionally protected right to bear arms.  In one of his most powerful songs to date, Jordan Page warns us all that "the hammer is crashing down" and that now is the time to show solidarity that we, the people, will not be disarmed by any government or authority. The song paints a striking picture of a possible future scenario where the free people of America clash with the force of totalitarian government.

Watch the Video and read the lyrics Here:

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