Monday, September 5, 2011


Is Obama's Remaining Popularity Due to Political 

Correctness Masquerading as Civil Religion?
By Kelly O'Connell 

Many shell-shocked Americans ask themselves daily—Why has Obama not yet been impeached? Yet, doesn't it seem as if America has fallen under the spell of foreign gods—like the doctrines of Political Correctness? Further, isn't it also true this set of morality has entered our psyche at a level of basic religion? If so, have we not become slaves to the instincts and demands of a cult? Was Barack’s election founded upon concessions made to the morality and ethics of Political Correctness (PC)? How else can we explain the need for an untested leader in times of crisis?

Now it's equally clear the PC movement is the reason that more Americans have not utterly bailed on Obama. Civil Religion is the general notion of religion in a nation expressed in a public setting. Some would assume this Christianity, but not so. For example, where on our currency it says, "In God We Trust," this does not refer to Jesus. Yet, Marxist-derived Political Correctness has clearly invaded US Civil Religion, tainting what was once near default biblical mores. This would not have occurred if Christianity was still the source of our Civil Religion, which is the topic of this article.

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