Friday, September 9, 2011


American Conservative,

Putting your life on the line is not enough to get you an invitation to the 9/11 ten-year memorial! That is the attitude of the Mayor of New York.

This has created an outrage among firefighters, policemen and other "first responders" from New York City!

And you should be outraged also. You watched 9/11 that day; and saw the firefighters going in and going up---and many never came back down alive! Everyone knows the ultimate sacrifices that were made that day. Yet, ten years later, their brothers and fellow-workers are banned from the anniversary celebration. They have been totally SNUBBED! 

Firefighters and other responders will be "on the outside looking in" when the ceremony is held marking the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks next weekend. An estimated 91,000 police, firefighters and other responders helped with the search and rescue efforts in the wake of the attacks. Some of them have cancer and incurable diseases due to their efforts. Yet, they cannot attend!

Obviously, family members of the nearly 3,000 killed in the attacks were invited, along with President Barrack Obama and former president George W. Bush.

Many of the brothers and sisters of these first responders lost their lives and they should be the first ones that are included! The "best of the best" that this country offered ten years ago are being snubbed, neglected and denied their rightful place!

Not only are first responders not welcomed, but all prayer and all clergy is banned from the planned commemorative day. What?! That is what helped to hold America together during those difficult times! Faith in God sustained millions of Americans on that day of infamy and the days that followed! Americans looked to a "higher power" for comfort and guidance. But, apparently, others see it differently.

But this brings up an even more important question that must evoke a response from YOU, as a patriotic, taxpaying American!

YOUR federal tax dollars are being spent on this national event. Contrary to the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, certain classes of people are being discriminated against: people of Faith and the first responders. Congress must investigate this enormous First Amendment constitutional breach! How ludicrous is this?!

Please CLICK HERE to FAX every Member of the United States Congress to urge them to START a Congressional investigation into the mis-use of federal tax dollars because First Amendment rights were violated at the 9/11 ten-year memorial event! Of all people, these should be the ones to attend! 

In a statement, Mayor Bloomberg spokesman Andrew Brent said the commemoration ceremony is for the victims' families. "While we are again focused on accommodating victims' family members, given the space constraints, we're working to find ways to recognize and honor first responders, and other groups, at different places and times," Brent said.

But first responder John Feal, founder of an advocacy group for the police officers, firefighters, civilian volunteers and others who worked at ground zero, assailed Brent's response, saying Bloomberg "lives in his own world."

Denise Villamia, a first responder who worked at ground zero for several months, cried as she recalled her "totally heartbroken" reaction to the news that she could not attend the memorial service:

"I'm crying because it's really a big betrayal on the part of the city, to rob me from my way to pay homage and to find that comfort and healing," she said. "I feel that I have been robbed of my way to pay tribute."

Supposedly, the security logistics have forced the city to schedule a separate ceremony for responders on a later date. "To have a separate service on another day has no significance, no meaning," said one who volunteered at the site sifting debris, "For many of us, we gave a lot at that site."

In previous years, responders were welcomed at the site, but little construction had begun and space wasn't an issue.

Now that the wreckage has been cleared...people laid down their lives for the cause...the rebuilding has begun---these "FIRST RESPONDERS" HAVE BEEN SNUBBED BY THE GOVERNMENT!

Shame on Mayor Bloomberg. There are federal dollars being spent so Congress must look into this. This is unbelievable and tragic. If it weren't for the emergency service personnel, there would have been a lot more lives lost! Yet, they can't even say a prayer on 9/11 near the site! This is a total outrage!

Our lives were dramatically changed on that day ten years ago! This is such a callous snub to everyone we thought of as genuine heroes on that horrific day! Where is the respect that they deserve? How insulting! Everyone needs to be included all at one time!

Having a separate ceremony at a later date does not cut it with the American people. Quite frankly, "due to a lack of room" is NOT an explanation to me---or to any other patriotic American!

But then there are the issues of First Amendment violations where entire classes of people are being discriminated against! Will you implore Congress to start an investigation?

Please CLICK HERE to FAX every Member of the United States Congress to urge them to START a Congressional investigation into the mis-use of federal tax dollars because First Amendment rights were violated at the 9/11 ten-year memorial event! Of all people, these should be the ones to attend! 

They put their lives
on the line, but are
snubbed from ceremony!

First responder Morris Faitelewicz, vice president of the Auxiliary Police Supervisors Benevolent Association, said that while there are not usually formal invitations, first responders have been able to attend all of the previous ceremonies simply by showing up. (in years past)

First responders absolutely decry their exclusion from the 9/11 ceremony.

And so do we!

We are mounting a MEDIA CAMPAIGN to help change the mind of the New York City mayor. Will you assist us in this vital effort?

Please CLICK HERE to FAX every Member of the United States Congress to urge them to START a Congressional investigation into the mis-use of federal tax dollars because First Amendment rights were violated at the 9/11 ten-year memorial event! Of all people, these should be the ones to attend! 


The 9/11 "wound" has once again been re-opened. The First Responders are men and women who risked their lives on that historic day, another "wound" has been made---by shutting them out of this event! THIS IS NOT RIGHT!

This, quite frankly, goes against the United States Constitution! And we are going to make sure that the entire United States is made aware of that. Please, we need you to stand with us! Help us to fax every Congressman in this valiant effort to honor not only those who died, but those first responders who were willing to "give their all."

It's the very least YOU and I can do!

When debris rained from the sky on September 11, 2001, these heroes did not turn back. Why should we turn them back now?

Your fax is absolutely critical right away. The event is only one week away. We must send a message on behalf of those American heroes!


Tony Adkins
Conservative Action Alerts

P. S. These First Responders and clergy who were at Ground Zero---they deserve a "heroes' welcome during this memorial event. Yet, they are NOT invited. Please. Please help us to create a way for them to attend. Their First Amendment rights are guaranteed by the United States Constitution that we so dear.

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