Saturday, May 21, 2022



In this issue are 6 must-see items...

In the last issue, U.S. Churches Under Attack: Disruption, Vandalism, and Fire, I wrote about the invasion by violent protestors in churches across America as a protest against the Supreme Court ruling which sends the decision of abortion back to the states.

If your church had protestors out front…

If your church had people trying to come in to disrupt…

If your church needs to prepare for such outbursts…

If your church is under assault by someone that wants to harm or kill…

What would you say?

What would you do?

I’m going to publish the answers without using your name…

I just got off the air, shocking the audience with truth… and realities they couldn’t hear anywhere else.

Click HERE to listen.

In a national radio/podcast, I talked with Bill Martinez about what is really going on… and how it could ever have happened.

Here are a few key points from the interview...

6. Alert: If You Didn't Read This...Do So Now...

Everyone must know the truth about the emotionally charged Supreme Court issue.

The lies and distortions are growing and are poisonous.

After you read it, please forward it.
Please share this newsletter or these articles with as many people as you can. Thanks so much.

That's it for this issue of Reality Alert! Stay tuned for our next issue when we look at more local and national news affecting you and your family.

Yours in love, faith, and hope,
Craig A. Huey
Reality Alert/Election Forum
Where the Spirit of the Lord Is, There Is Liberty (2 Cor. 3:17)

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