Submitted by: W.G.E.N.
As WGEN readers know - my opposition to vaccines and those other *shots* is based on my personal experience with them. March 23 marks 33 years since one of my grandsons died after getting his first baby vaccine. One of my dear friends also lost her first grandson in the same way that same year. Both were told the babies died from *Sudden Infant Death Syndrome* - refusing to admit it was the poisons in those vaccines. Both babies were very healthy - before dying.
Then my Step dad was one of the many victims of getting that infamous *Swine Flu Shot* in 1977. He didn't get the Swine Flu but that shot killed him. So much for *preventative medications*.
If you want to read more about childhood vaccines please sign up for this web site.
Jackie Juntti
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 05, 2020
A Six-in-One Vaccine Associated with Sudden Infant Death…