Americans Must Stop
Amnesty in Any Form
If Americans allow the federal government to legalize
illegal immigration again, they will lose their country
forever. 71% of Americans have a very favorable view of
“legal” immigrants and “legal” immigration -- even
though our federal government no longer expects
immigrants to adhere to American laws and traditions, or
even speak the American language.......
by JB Williams

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Balanced Budget Amendments
(BBA) Gut Our Constitution And Don’t Reduce Spending
Congress spent on objects for which it has no
constitutional authority, such as teaching Chinese
prostitutes how to drink responsibly, bailouts of
private businesses, welfare handouts, farming programs,
education schemes, and grants paid to States to bribe
them into implementing unconstitutional federal
programs. It was the unconstitutional spending which
gave us this crushing debt.........
by Publius Huldah