Happy Hanukkah - howeva ... !!!
Previously posted ...
ALIEN BODIES in GIZA COMPLEX - world runs amuck !!!
Tonight is the first night of Hanukkah.
Federal Judge: Obama’s Amnesty Violates ConstitutionApparently we still have this thing called a Constitution Read more » |
Featured - Tuesday, December 16, 2014
1. Record Number of Americans Want ObamaCare Repealed - by Logan Albright A new poll just out from Fox News reports that 58 percent of Americans - the highest number ever recorded - would rather see ObamaCare repealed than let it stay in place. The results are encouraging, but not altogether surprising. In the wake of the numerous media statements by Jonathan Gruber, who played a key role in the law’s development, Americans feel insulted, duped, and lied to about the Affordable Care Act. Gruber’s comments reveal the sense of contempt, both for democracy and transparency, that led a Democratic Congress to demand the law be passed without even knowing what was in it. The poll shows that 49 percent of people think the administration intentionally lied about the law, a number which rises sharply if you restrict the poll to independents or Republicans. Read more here... |
There’s a lot of talk about reforming Nevada’s tax structure
to make it broader. That includes
reducing the sales tax rate but extending it to certain services.
For the record, such tax reform would NOT be a violation
of the Taxpayer Protection Pledge as long as it doesn’t result in a net tax
increase that takes more money out of our pockets and puts it in the government’s
"I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more efficient, for I mean to reduce its size. I do not undertake to promote welfare, for I propose to extend freedom." ~ Barry Goldwater |
Even The Suggestion |
Posted On America's Conservative News This woman claims that the IRS has seized her bank and Paypal accounts. but that's not stopping her from putting out her message about the so-called President of the United States ... Barack Hussein Obama. Read The Full Story |
Dec 15, 2014 02:04 pm | Robert Spencer
The death toll grows. We heard earlier that a “number of people had
been hit,” so the death toll may go higher still. AP has this: “Police
say 34-year-old man and 38-year-old woman are among 3 dead in Sydney
hostage crisis.” Time for another mainstream media story about
“backlash” against Muslims. “Gunman and Two Others […]