Submitted by: Lady E
The ANWAR lies bared! Oil is there and there would be NO DISTURBANCE of note to wildlife!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Submitted by: Rick Martin of Unrepentant Patriots
First wave of allied assault: 112 missiles
March 20, 2011
by Harold
Robert Burns, AP3/19/2011
Bush bombed Iraq 19 March 2003, Obama bombed Libya 19 March 2011: Change we can believe in
U.S. and British ships and submarines launched the first phase of a missile assault on Libyan air defenses, firing 112 Tomahawk cruise missiles Saturday at more than 20 coastal targets to clear the way for air patrols to ground Libya’s air force.
In announcing the mission during a visit to Brazil, President Barack Obama said he was reluctant to resort to force but was convinced it was necessary to save the lives of civilians. He reiterated that he would not send American ground troops to Libya.
“We cannot stand idly by when a tyrant tells his people there will be no mercy,” he said in Brasilia.
It was clear the U.S. intended to limit its role in the Libya intervention, focusing first on disabling or otherwise silencing Libyan air defenses, and then leaving it to European and perhaps Arab countries to enforce a no-fly zone over the North African nation.
And now… the rest of the story. …..
U.S. and British ships and submarines launched the first phase of a missile assault on Libyan air defenses, firing 112 Tomahawk cruise missiles Saturday at more than 20 coastal targets to clear the way for air patrols to ground Libya’s air force.
In announcing the mission during a visit to Brazil, President Barack Obama said he was reluctant to resort to force but was convinced it was necessary to save the lives of civilians. He reiterated that he would not send American ground troops to Libya.
“We cannot stand idly by when a tyrant tells his people there will be no mercy,” he said in Brasilia.
It was clear the U.S. intended to limit its role in the Libya intervention, focusing first on disabling or otherwise silencing Libyan air defenses, and then leaving it to European and perhaps Arab countries to enforce a no-fly zone over the North African nation.
And now… the rest of the story. …..
Unions To File in NM Supreme Court Against Gov. Martinez
Submitted by: Rick Martin of The Unrepentant Patriots
Friday, March 18th at 5:30PM EDT
It is Republican Governors who are stepping up to provide the kind of leadership that this nation needs.
Most of us have heard about the actions of Gov. Snyder, Gov. Walker, Gov. Christie, among others, and the brave stand that each of these individuals is attempting to take in addressing the serious issues that our nation is facing. But we haven’t heard much about the amazing stand that Governor Susana Martinez of New Mexico has taken.
Speaker Alert! Speak Out on Solutions to Our Job-Crushing Debt Crisis and more!
Washington is $14 trillion in the red and borrowing 42 cents for every dollar it spends. This spending-driven debt crisis is paralyzing job creators with uncertainty and piling more debt onto the backs of our kids and grandkids. The new House majority is cutting spending to help jumpstart our economy – but Republicans need your help. As Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-WA) says in the weekly GOP address, “if we’re serious about ending the uncertainty for job creators in our economy, we need to cut more.” Learn more below about how to get involved and watch the GOP address here:
Speaking Out About America’s Spending & Debt Crisis That Makes It Harder to Create New Jobs
I post articles because I think they are of interest. Doing so doesn’t mean that I necessarily agree (or disagree) with every—or any—opinion in the posted article. Help your friends and relatives stay informed by passing the digest on.
For those who want further information about the topics covered in this blog, I recommend the following sites. I will add to this as I find additional good sources.
Why Bomb Gaddafi?
Because he has killed his own people? Saddam killed 100 times more of his own people, and then State Senator Obama opposed taking action against him. Mao killed some 60 million of his own people and the Obamas honored him with a Mao-ornament on the White House Christmas Tree. Reagan bombed Gaddafi a little bit after he killed Americans, and the left reacted like he had attacked Bambi. Is it because he has oil? Iraq has more oil, and people like Obama kept chanting "no blood for oil." Conclusion: Obama bombed Gaddafi because he was a piker at killing his own people, thus not a danger he had to bow to.
A flippant beginning to another war
Excerpt: "Today I authorized the armed forces of the United States to begin a limited action in Libya in support of an international effort to protect Libyan civilians." The wording is striking because it recalls the "Authorization of the Use of Force," in Iraq -- an authorization that Congress provided. It was not a unilateral action by the President, like today's "authorization" was. It seems pretty clear to me that the Constitution does not give the President the authority to start an offensive war with no Congressional approval.
Candidate Obama agreed with me. Here he is in 2007: The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation.
Let's Face It -- Our President Is a Follower, Not a Leader
By Liz Peek
Published March 18, 2011
After much prodding, President Obama finally responded to the humanitarian crisis in Libya. He passed the buck to the U.N. For the equivocating White House, this was an agreeable tactic. Odds were excellent that the resolution permitting wide-ranging military action against Qaddafi forces would fail. Instead, in a shocking reversal of U.N. precedent, that fractious body has authorized speedy intervention in support of the rebels opposing the brutal Qaddafi regime. Surprise, surprise. Now President Obama must act.
The White House was likely expecting a stalemate, which would have allowed them to do exactly nothing. Obama could have argued innocence while blaming those countries not voting in favor of the resolution.
It would have been a politically appealing outcome, the kind that this administration likes best. A few weeks ago New York Times columnist David Brooks wrote a piece in which he queried President Obama’s motives. He dismissed the notion that the president was succumbing to political expediency, saying that that was not characteristic of Mr. Obama.
The White House was likely expecting a stalemate, which would have allowed them to do exactly nothing. Obama could have argued innocence while blaming those countries not voting in favor of the resolution.
It would have been a politically appealing outcome, the kind that this administration likes best. A few weeks ago New York Times columnist David Brooks wrote a piece in which he queried President Obama’s motives. He dismissed the notion that the president was succumbing to political expediency, saying that that was not characteristic of Mr. Obama.
BBC World Service to sign funding deal with US state department
Ben DowellLow six-figure investment will aim to help combat censorship of TV and internet services in countries including Iran and China
The BBC World Service is to receive a "significant" sum of money from the US government to help combat the blocking of TV and internet services in countries including Iran and China.
In what the BBC said is the first deal of its kind, an agreement is expected to be signed later this month that will see US state department money – understood to be a low six-figure sum – given to the World Service to invest in developing anti-jamming technology and software.The funding is also expected to be used to educate people in countries with state censorship in how to circumnavigate the blocking of internet and TV services.
It is understood the US government has decided the reach of the World Service is such that it makes investment worthwhile.OBAMA WANTS AMERICA BANKRUPT, DEFENSELESS AND SUBJECTED TO ISLAM !
CBO Report Confirms: Obama’s Budget Laden with Debt..... What? Seriously? No Way!
Coloring President Barack Obama’s budget proposal for fiscal year (FY) 2012 are the undeniable shades of masked fiscal disaster and a want of long-term solutions.
According to analysis (below) (pdf) by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the President’s budget would result in $1.43 trillion and $1.16 trillion deficits for FYs 2011 and 2012, respectively, adding two more years of annual deficits in excess of $1 trillion. Total spending would increase by 57 percent over the next decade, from $3.7 trillion this year to $5.8 trillion in 2021. Net interest alone mushrooms from $214 billion to $931 billion, a 335 percent increase.
The President’s budget, CBO reports, would have deficits that average $947 billion over the next 10 years. Rather than driving deficits down, the President’s budget would increase them 23 percent over the course of the decade. While Obama’s budget people claim (pdf) that the 10-year deficit would total $7.2 trillion, under CBO’s more realistic (though still flawed) assumptions, annual deficits would total $9.5 trillion. The President’s budget says that debt held by the public will reach nearly $19 trillion by 2021, yet CBO reports that it will double to nearly $21 trillion in 2021. According to CBO, debt as a share of the economy will increase from 69 percent of GDP to 87 percent. Such a path is clearly unsustainable and demonstrates the need for deep reductions in federal spending if debt is to be brought under control.
The CBO’s analysis highlights the minimalist policy proposals that the President offered in His budget (below) (pdf) to reduce the deficit and contain federal spending. For example, his policies of first pushing spending up dramatically and now a freeze on the domestic, non-security discretionary part of the budget still leaves spending out of control. Other proposals, such as simply reclassifying transportation spending as mandatory spending, amount to just another round of budgetary musical chairs.
According to analysis (below) (pdf) by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the President’s budget would result in $1.43 trillion and $1.16 trillion deficits for FYs 2011 and 2012, respectively, adding two more years of annual deficits in excess of $1 trillion. Total spending would increase by 57 percent over the next decade, from $3.7 trillion this year to $5.8 trillion in 2021. Net interest alone mushrooms from $214 billion to $931 billion, a 335 percent increase.
The President’s budget, CBO reports, would have deficits that average $947 billion over the next 10 years. Rather than driving deficits down, the President’s budget would increase them 23 percent over the course of the decade. While Obama’s budget people claim (pdf) that the 10-year deficit would total $7.2 trillion, under CBO’s more realistic (though still flawed) assumptions, annual deficits would total $9.5 trillion. The President’s budget says that debt held by the public will reach nearly $19 trillion by 2021, yet CBO reports that it will double to nearly $21 trillion in 2021. According to CBO, debt as a share of the economy will increase from 69 percent of GDP to 87 percent. Such a path is clearly unsustainable and demonstrates the need for deep reductions in federal spending if debt is to be brought under control.
The CBO’s analysis highlights the minimalist policy proposals that the President offered in His budget (below) (pdf) to reduce the deficit and contain federal spending. For example, his policies of first pushing spending up dramatically and now a freeze on the domestic, non-security discretionary part of the budget still leaves spending out of control. Other proposals, such as simply reclassifying transportation spending as mandatory spending, amount to just another round of budgetary musical chairs.
The Left Continues Promoting Dangerous Myth: Islamic Radicalization is Just a Theorylisarichardsusa | March 20, 2011 at 6:21 pm | Tags: Islam, News, Politics,, Terror | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: |
Lefi has no concept of Muslim terrorism in the name of a religion! Islam is a terrorist's ideololgy!
Submitted by: Debbie Warren
'Who The Hell Do You Think You Are?' Farrakhan Blast Obama For Calling For Qaddafi to Step Down
Farrakhan goes on a rant on Chicago radio about Obama calling for Qaddafi to step down.
FARRAKHAN: "I warn my brother do you let these wicked demons move you in a direction that will absolutely ruin your future with your people in Africa and throughout the Arab world...Why don't you organize a group of respected Americans and ask for a meeting with Qaddafi, you can't order him to step down and get out, who the hell do you think you are?
FARRAKHAN: "I warn my brother do you let these wicked demons move you in a direction that will absolutely ruin your future with your people in Africa and throughout the Arab world...Why don't you organize a group of respected Americans and ask for a meeting with Qaddafi, you can't order him to step down and get out, who the hell do you think you are?
by Jim Kouri
During his testimony before members of the U.S. House of Representatives, FBI Director Robert Mueller told the House Homeland Security Committee that illegal aliens from countries with ties to al-Qaeda have crossed into the U.S. from Mexico using false identification including Matricula Consular ID cards.
Mueller stated that some of the illegal aliens are people with Middle Eastern names who have adopted Hispanic last names before entering the United States. "We are concerned, [the] Homeland Security [Department] is concerned about special interest aliens entering the United States," Mueller said.
"Special interest aliens" are those from countries where al-Qaeda is known to be active
On Wednesday, a Washington, DC-based public interest group announced it acquired disturbing documents from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Customs and Border Protection directorate detailing Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 apprehension statistics for illegal alien smugglers.
Anti-Obama Protest Turns Violent In Rio
March 19, 2011
Police major Fabio Alessandro of the 13th Batallion of Rio’s military police said that the protestors, all left leaning social movements associated with the Socialist Workers Party, PSTU, did not have a permit to protest near the consulate along Avenida Rio Branco and had refused to disperse from the area. They wore the ubiquitous Che Guevera T shirt and carried American flags that said Go Home Obama. Most of the protests had been peaceful until two home-made molotov cocktails were let loose in the direction of the Consulate. A guard at the Consulate was partially burned and was sent to the emergency room at Souza Aguiar Hospital.
What is most ironicabout the Brazil protests is that the PSTU is a hard core socialist party in Brazil. While anti-Obama protests in the US consider Obama a socialist, the socialists in Brazil consider him a yankee capitalist, the bane of the Latin American left.
What is most ironicabout the Brazil protests is that the PSTU is a hard core socialist party in Brazil. While anti-Obama protests in the US consider Obama a socialist, the socialists in Brazil consider him a yankee capitalist, the bane of the Latin American left.
Tea Party legislation reveals anxiety at US direction under Barack Obama
The rise of the Tea Party has seen an increase in extreme legislation across the US, ranging in from a bill in Montana saying global warming is good for the state to a suggestion in Missouri to end restrictions on child labour.
Observers say that, taken collectively, the plans reveal an anxiety among grassroots conservatives about the direction of the US under Barack Obama Photo: AFP/GETTY
Earlier this month Utah's state legislature approved a bill that would recognise gold and silver as legal tender as alternatives to more foldable forms of currency. It needs only the governor's signature to become law.
Similar moves are under consideration in a dozen other states, where legislators are outraged by soaring deficits and the federal government's promiscuous dollar-printing.
Submitted by: Tony Caputo
No white man could ever write an article like this and live to tell about it.
A Black Man, The Progressive's Perfect Trojan Horse
By Lloyd Marcus
As millions of my fellow Americans, I am outraged, devastated and extremely angry by the democrat's unbelievable arrogance and disdain for We The People. Despite our screaming "no" from the rooftops, they forced Obamacare down our throats. Please forgive me for using the following crude saying, but it is very appropriate to describe what has happened. "Don't urinate on me and tell me it's raining." Democrats say their mission is to give all Americans health care. The democrats are lying. Signing Obamacare into law against our will and the Constitution is tyranny and step one of their hideous goal of having as many Americans as possible dependent on government, thus controlling our lives and fulfilling Obama's promise to fundamentally transform America …
Ralph Nader: "Obama Should be Impeached" |
Watch the Video and Comment: |
A New Dawn Rises
- Submitted by Mellie B March 19, 2011 at Patriot Action Network
Just a reminder...
I post articles because I think they are of interest. Doing so doesn’t mean that I necessarily agree (or disagree) with every—or any—opinion in the posted article. Help your friends and relatives stay informed by passing the digest on.
For those who want further information about the topics covered in this blog, I recommend the following sites. I will add to this as I find additional good sources.
Events will outdate some of these articles, but they may still be of interest. ~Bob.
The Libyan War of 2011
Excerpt: The Libyan war has now begun. It pits a coalition of European powers plus the United States, a handful of Arab states and rebels in Libya against the Libyan government. The long-term goal, unspoken but well understood, is regime change — displacing the government of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi and replacing it with a new regime built around the rebels. The mission is clearer than the strategy, and that strategy can’t be figured out from the first moves. The strategy might be the imposition of a no-fly zone, the imposition of a no-fly zone and attacks against Libya’s command-and-control centers, or these two plus direct ground attacks on Gadhafi’s forces. These could also be combined with an invasion and occupation of Libya. The question, therefore, is not the mission but the strategy to be pursued. How far is the coalition, or at least some of its members, prepared to go to effect regime change and manage the consequences following regime change? How many resources are they prepared to provide and how long are they prepared to fight? It should be remembered that in Iraq and Afghanistan the occupation became the heart of the war, and regime change was merely the opening act.
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