Dear Conservatives,
Never-ending debt ceiling increases. Higher taxes. Out-of-control spending. Massive expansions of the police state. A Big Brother takeover of the Internet. Total gun bans...
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has a plan to force Obama's Big Government agenda on the American people, and it begins by destroying the Senate filibuster.
And he's willing to flat-out break Senate rules and longstanding traditions to achieve his goal.
When the Senate reconvenes, Harry Reid is expected to destroy Senate minority rights and turn the Senate into nothing more than a rubber-stamp for Obama's statist agenda.
This war isn't months away, or even weeks away.
This fight is going down tomorrow!
Campaign for Liberty is mobilizing a grassroots army of liberty-minded Americans to defeat this dangerous scheme, but we need your help.
Monday, January 21, 2013
You will receive information from us soon that will allow you to join thousands of others calling on Congress to Impeach Obama at the same time.
We were some of the first to call for Obama's impeachment and now you are hearing new voices rising up all around us and joining our call!
We have good news tonight!
Congratulations patriots! We have reached our goal of our first 2,000 Americans willing to protest against Obama with us on Sat Feb 16 nationwide in all state capitals!
It is now official and 100% a go!
We were some of the first to call for Obama's impeachment and now you are hearing new voices rising up all around us and joining our call!
We have good news tonight!
Congratulations patriots! We have reached our goal of our first 2,000 Americans willing to protest against Obama with us on Sat Feb 16 nationwide in all state capitals!
It is now official and 100% a go!
Old Jarhead's Political SitRep for January 22, 2013
Robert A. Hall
Your one-stop-shop for political news and opinion.
Featured - Monday, January 21, 2013
1. Real Weapon of Government Tyranny
2. Open Letter To Obama On Inauguration Day: Why I Can’t Clap For You
3. Sandy Hook Shooter Adam Lanza Died One Day Before School Massacre?
Submitted by: Kathy Hawkins
Jan. 20, 2013 11:23pm Mytheos Holt
Could Chuck Hagel, the man President Obama wants to become Secretary of Defense, secretly be a pawn of George Soros? It is a question that liberals would not bear hearing, and one that many conservatives, no doubt, would not bear going unanswered.
And indeed, evidence has come to light suggesting that the answer to this question may incline toward the positive. Specifically, a recent report by Aaron Klein of KleinOnline suggests the following about the would-be defense secretary:
Former Sen. Chuck Hagel, President Obama’s nominee for defense secretary, serves on the board of a George Soros-funded group that advocates a nuclear-free world.The Ploughshares Fund has a long history of anti-war advocacy and is a partner of the Marxist-oriented Institute for Policy Studies, which has urged the defunding of the Pentagon and massive decreases in U.S. defense capabilities, including slashing the American nuclear arsenal to 292 deployed weapons.The Poughshares Fund has also partnered with a who’s who of the radical left, including Code Pink, the pro-Palestinian J Street, United for Peace & Justice, the U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation and the Demos progressive group, where Obama’s former green jobs czar, Van Jones, serves on the board.[...]A primary Ploughshares donor is the Tides Foundation, a money tunnel in which leftist donors provide funds to finance other radical groups. Tides is itself funded by Soros.[...]Ploughshares is directed by Joseph Cirincione, who served as an advisor on nuclear issues to Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign. Cirincione also served as director of nuclear policy at the Center for American Progress.Among the groups Ploughshares donates to the anti-Israel Americans for Peace Now, the Arms Control Association, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, the Center for Constitutional Rights, the Center for Policy Alternatives, the Soros-funded Center for Public Integrity, the radical Citizen Action, Citizens for Environmental Justice, the Coalition for New Priorities and the radical the Institute for Policy Studies.
This is damning stuff, and no doubt many would take evidence of a Soros connection as proof beyond doubt that Hagel is an anti-American radical, or possibly even someone who takes his marching orders from Soros.
But is that proof really so strong? Certainly Hagel’s choice to be on the board of an organization like the Ploughshares Fund, which does list Hagel as a board member on its website, is an argument against his judgment. But how much the organization’s connection to Hagel proves about his involvement with Soros, and how much a simple connection with Soros would prove about Hagel, are wider questions.
Six Degrees of George Soros: Is Hagel Connected?
To begin with, there is the matter of Hagel being on Ploughshares’ board. Certainly, given Ploughshares’ generally extremely anti-war and anti-nuclear stance (as documented in the above article), this is evidence that Hagel holds far more dovish views possibly than even President Obama. In fact, given that far left websites have attacked Soros as a war profiteerin the past, and Soros himself bought 2 million shares of Halliburton in 2007, it may indicate that Hagel holds views to the left of Soros himself.
But does serving on the board of an organization that takes some of its money from Soros prove that Hagel himself is in Soros’ pocket? Probably not. For one thing, given Soros’ aforementioned investment in Halliburton, that would make anyone serving on Halliburton’s board into a potential Soros puppet. It would also open the way to an accusation of Soros-fraternizing against people such as Dick Cheney, which is a difficult accusation to stomach. It is also unclear how much money the Tides Foundation donated to Ploughshares, whether Hagel himself drew a salary from nonprofit work with this group, and how much Hagel was involved in the day-to-day decision making at Ploughshares.
Moreover, if the aforementioned standard that serving on an organization’s board makes you complicit with the people funding it were applied, it would mean that Ploughshares is not Hagel’s only connection to Soros. In fact, given that Hagel is listed as serving on the board of the Chevron Corporation, it would mean that until last year, when Soros sold his shares in Chevron, Hagel was connected to Soros through two separate channels. In fact, given Soros’ prolific charitable giving (not all of which goes to partisan causes), there are probably more connections still to be found in the full list of other organizations whose boards Hagel sits on. That list is as follows:
Bread for the World, Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation, Center for the Study of the Presidency, Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Commission, George C. Marshall Foundation, Georgetown’s Institute for the Study of Diplomacy, Global Strategy Forum, Global Zero, Hamilton Project, Initiative for Global Development, Lung Cancer Alliance, International Center for the Study Of Radicalization and Political Violence, National Bureau of Asian Research’s Next Generation Leadership Board, Ploughshares Fund, U.S. Global Leadership Coalition, U.S. Institute of Peace Middle East Senior Working Group, U.S. Middle East Project, America Abroad Media, American Security Project, and The Washington Center. He is also co-chairman of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund Corporate Council.
Still, say for the sake of argument that Hagel was connected to Soros. Would that mean Hagel was an anti-American or anti-Israeli radical? Maybe, but not necessarily so. Even though Soros himself skews very far left, not everyone with a connection to Soros even qualifies as being a Democrat, let alone being a far left radical, though most of them do qualify as being relatively non-interventionist on foreign policy. For instance, Texas Congressman Ron Paul was accused by Frontpage Magazine of taking advice on foreign policy from Soros-funded scholars during the 2012 election. Paul’s foreign policy views were, obviously, far to the left of the Republican party, and arguably even to the left of the President, but no one would accuse Paul – whose time in Congress included vigorous anti-communist rhetoric prior to... – of being as far to the Left as the Institute for Policy Studies, which some claim was originally a communist front, though Paul may agree with its scholars on foreign policy.
Finally, retiring Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton may be preparing to assume leadership of one of Soros’ many organiz... after leaving her present position. Clinton alsospent Election Night 2004 at Soros’ apartment. Clinton’s tenure in office has been criticized for many things, but rarely for insufficient hawkishness. In fact, when she assumed office, Clinton was considered one of the more hawkish members of Obama’s cabinet by some sources.
Granted, from a conservative perspective, Soros’ views on foreign policy are troubling, to say the least. However, those looking for evidence of Hagel’s foreign policy extremism need not go so far as to ascribe sinister motives to his connection to an organization that gets money from another organization that is connected to Soros. The fact that Hagel supported resurrecting a draft, and the mission of the Ploughshares Fund more or less provides that evidence on its own:
Since 1981, Ploughshares Fund has led and supported a community of experts, advocates and analysts to implement smart strategies to seek the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons.As a publicly supported foundation, we have raised over $80 million to fund the smartest people with the best ideas. We’ve leveraged the impact of those funds with our own advocacy, connections, media profile and leadership. Combining high-level advocacy, an enhanced grantmaking capacity and our own expertise, we are enhancing global security.
In short, when a nominee serves on the board of an organization that wants to do away with nuclear weapons altogether, focusing on that organization’s connection to Soros is arguably missing the forest for the trees. The fact that Hagel skews left on foreign policy has become common knowledge by this point, and has not deterred President Obama from nominating him. Skewing far enough left to want to do away with nuclear weapons, on the other hand, may be a tougher sell come Hagel’s confirmation hearings.
Video: Busted: 1940 Census Confirms Obama Alias; Born In 1890
Jan 19, 2013 12:56 pm
The evidence of Obama identity fraud is overwhelming and growing nearly everyday. For the educated this is breaking story just confirms what we have suspected all along. Let’s hope the uninformed start to listen. Related posts: BUSTED! Arpaio Team FINDS THE MAN Who Forged Obama BC! There is proof that Barack Obama’s birth certificate, which [...]
Watch the Video and Comment: Video: Busted: 1940 Census Confirms Obama Alias; Born In 1890
Can An Oath Of Office Be Treason?
Jan 20, 2013 10:21 amIn an era where lying has become an art form, is it possible to hold those who take a solemn oath to protect and defend the Constitution to that pledge of honor and responsibility? The oath to be taken by the president on first entering office is specified in Article II, Section 1, of the [...]
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Understanding Obama And The Liberal Mindset
Jan 20, 2013 10:54 amYou can’t! It will drive you crazy if you try. If you have an IQ that is even slightly higher than that of a donkey, you will try to use logic, reason, and reality. All of those concepts are lost on the Liberals. Monday, I watched Obama address the Nation; and if I didn’t know [...]
Read More and Comment: Understanding Obama And The Liberal Mindset
Video: Mark Levin: A Neurosurgeon Calls In About Death Panels
Jan 20, 2013 11:16 am
If you are over 70 and need stroke care, they are not going to treat you, they are going to give you “comfort care”. You must listen to this Neurosurgeon speaking out. It is scary. Related posts: Mark Levin Calls For Obama’s Impeachment Should He Try This… Democrat Chuck Schumer said recently that it is [...]
Watch the Video and Comment: Video: Mark Levin: A Neurosurgeon Calls In About Death Panels
A Benghazi-Algeria Connection To Free The Blind Sheik?
Jan 21, 2013 01:15 pmWhat if there was a plan afoot to return the Blind Sheik to his terrorist Islamist brethren? A plan so outrageous might exist that no one would believe it, unless it was said to come from this administration. What if the Benghazi offices had no security because it was part of a plan to trade [...]
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Reasons For Murders In “the Hood” No One Wants To Face Honestly
Jan 21, 2013 01:22 pmEvery nightly newscast in South Florida, and probably a lot of other television markets around the country, includes what could fittingly be called the “Minority Crimes Report (MCR).” The MCR tells us how many people were shot, killed or maimed in the area’s minority neighborhoods the night before. The cumulative effect of these shootings produces [...]
Read More and Comment: Reasons For Murders In “the Hood” No One Wants To Face Honestly
The national news media don’t report the news so much as they spread left-wing propaganda to bolster the Radical Left’s agenda.
Nothing better illustrates this than the liberal media’s crusade against the practice of drilling for natural gas known as hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking.”
The New York Times has led the media’s ferocious campaign to vilify fracking and Hollywood even made an anti-fracking movie, Promised Land, starring Matt Damon to gin up fear about a practice that’s revolutionizing America’s energy sector.
The problem?
Virtually everything the media and Hollywood have led the American public to believe about fracking is FALSE.
Senator Kerry, family and friends could profit from his probable Secretary of State post
Senator Kerry’s Secretary of State hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee will take place on Thursday, January 24. Kerry should receive some tough questions regarding his green energy investments and his ability to profit, as Secretary of State, from his support of a climate change agenda.
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Senator Kerry’s Secretary of State hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee will take place on Thursday, January 24. Kerry should receive some tough questions regarding his green energy investments and his ability to profit, as Secretary of State, from his support of a climate change agenda.
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School Shooters and the Pharmaceuticals
One of the most celebrated battle rifle manufacturers, John Noveske, mysteriously died in a car crash in southern Oregon days after posting on Facebook about the link between psychotropic drugs and shootings. John Noveske is one of a few prominent Second Amendment supporters to die this month under mysterious circumstances. Less than a week before he died, Noveske ended his Facebook post with, “What drugs was (school shooter) Adam Peter Lanza on?”
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One of the most celebrated battle rifle manufacturers, John Noveske, mysteriously died in a car crash in southern Oregon days after posting on Facebook about the link between psychotropic drugs and shootings. John Noveske is one of a few prominent Second Amendment supporters to die this month under mysterious circumstances. Less than a week before he died, Noveske ended his Facebook post with, “What drugs was (school shooter) Adam Peter Lanza on?”
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The Lesson in the Betrayal of Sarah Palin
Rush Limbaugh on his radio show discussed an article which stated that there is no respected voice in the national arena articulating Conservatism. Such an advocate for Conservatism is crucial to reversing the direction of America as Obama drives us toward socialism while low-info voters gleefully sing Kumbaya in the backseat. Well excuse me for pointing out the obvious, but we had an extraordinary advocate for Conservatism and look what happened to her. Judas on our side betrayed her – sold her reputation for 30 seconds of fame and favor with the media.
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Rush Limbaugh on his radio show discussed an article which stated that there is no respected voice in the national arena articulating Conservatism. Such an advocate for Conservatism is crucial to reversing the direction of America as Obama drives us toward socialism while low-info voters gleefully sing Kumbaya in the backseat. Well excuse me for pointing out the obvious, but we had an extraordinary advocate for Conservatism and look what happened to her. Judas on our side betrayed her – sold her reputation for 30 seconds of fame and favor with the media.
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Submitted by: Kathy Hawkins
“Word on the national security street is that General James Mattis is being given the bum’s rush out of his job as commander of Central Command, and is being told to vacate his office several months earlier than planned,” reports veteran national security correspondent Thomas E. Ricks.
It now appears likely that Gen. Mattis, a Marine Corps legend, will leave his post as head of America’s most important combatant command in March, several months earlier than planned. Ricks continues:
Submitted by: Donald Hank
Obama dais, "I will not rest until I get to the bottom of the Benghazi attack.' Since then he has done everything possible to hide the truth about Benghazi!
Obama dais, "I will not rest until I get to the bottom of the Benghazi attack.' Since then he has done everything possible to hide the truth about Benghazi!
Submitted by: Nancy Battle
We are being 'sold out' by the very people we elected!
We are being 'sold out' by the very people we elected!
Even if you’re not a golfer, you might like to pass this one along to any friends who are.
I think this is something that all golfers should be aware of. In fact, I think all Americans should be aware of this.
This isn't a joke or cartoon; just something interesting to know . . . You may want to forward this on to others.
Submitted by: John Butler
ALL, I repeat ALL, the shooters were either Liberal or their families were!
Click here: Do Shootings Prove Liberalism is a Mental Illness? ::
ALL, I repeat ALL, the shooters were either Liberal or their families were!
Click here: Do Shootings Prove Liberalism is a Mental Illness? ::
GAO report: US on ‘unsustainable long-term fiscal path’
The MSM is bowing to Obama as they hide this news!
Read more:
The MSM is bowing to Obama as they hide this news!
Read more:
Old Jarhead's Political SitRep for January 21, 2013
Robert A. Hall
While you were watching football.
Submitted by: Donald Hank
Of course you all know that American and European feminists will protest vociferously this abuse of a woman. Wait until our most powerful feminist Hillary Clinton gets wind of this.
Of course you all know that American and European feminists will protest vociferously this abuse of a woman. Wait until our most powerful feminist Hillary Clinton gets wind of this.
No doubt war will be declared on the government that allows this to happen.
You know, just the way the Obama administration protested when Muslims stoned women for wearing inappropriate dresses:
Why I bet every person reading that remembers Barack's courageous response and can quote what he said on that occasion.
I can.
It is all recorded right here:
His very words.
You know, just the way the Obama administration protested when Muslims stoned women for wearing inappropriate dresses:
Why I bet every person reading that remembers Barack's courageous response and can quote what he said on that occasion.
I can.
It is all recorded right here:
His very words.
Don Hank |
"I DON"T CARE IF HE HAS A PERMIT"; threatens to shoot legal holder "IN THE BACK".
From: To: The NationalMiddleClassNetwork & TeaParties...These columns are not necessarily our views; more in fairness to both sides. So, please keep the feedback coming. Thanks. Also, as many know, we are having IP issues. So, if you've received this NewsMail in error or wish to be removed, please let us know. So far, those so requesting since this inception is virtually zero. Thanks again
Comment: This is The Perfect Scenario for Eligibility Proof. The Newlands/Hercules Industries won their initial pleading...with the administration now coming back at them. They have standing.
Perfect opportunity for them (and for Senator Paul and others) to say....
"Mr. Obama, to date, we have not been shown any proof of your eligible authority to order us (or any American) to do anything, much more infringe upon our religious beliefs.
Therefore, we hereby request that you provide us with your valid, rightly-certified as such Original Hawaiian Birth Certificate as your documented proof of natural born citizen, POTUS-eligible authority to issue any order to us or anyone. Thank you".----- Original Message -----
Reflections on Current Events
Regarding the current Congressional gun control initiatives, the problem with bans is that they apply to all law-abiding people. For example, we hear gun control proponents saying, "No one needs a clip of more than 10 rounds in a gun." Oh, really? So what does a man in a high crime neighborhood do when a gang of 12 carrying illegally obtained guns breaks into his home to steal and rape his wife and daughters?.....
by Dennis Cuddy
Regarding the current Congressional gun control initiatives, the problem with bans is that they apply to all law-abiding people. For example, we hear gun control proponents saying, "No one needs a clip of more than 10 rounds in a gun." Oh, really? So what does a man in a high crime neighborhood do when a gang of 12 carrying illegally obtained guns breaks into his home to steal and rape his wife and daughters?.....
by Dennis Cuddy
American Judgment Day and the Final Battle for Planet Earth
Billions of people on planet Earth do not understand that we are now approaching the final battle for our world and that everything we see happening is connected with that battle. The ancient Greek god, Prometheus gave man fire and the destructive forces of that fire have set the world aflame. The god Prometheus was a type of Lucifer, the temporary prince of this world. Prometheus represented human will and the search for scientific knowledge at all costs. For example.......
by Paul McGuire
Billions of people on planet Earth do not understand that we are now approaching the final battle for our world and that everything we see happening is connected with that battle. The ancient Greek god, Prometheus gave man fire and the destructive forces of that fire have set the world aflame. The god Prometheus was a type of Lucifer, the temporary prince of this world. Prometheus represented human will and the search for scientific knowledge at all costs. For example.......
by Paul McGuire
ALERT: Two GOP Representatives willing to file articles of impeachment against Obama! Select here and blast faxes to Congress demanding articles of impeachment for Obama's anti-gun executive lawbreaking!
Conservative American,
Calls for Barack Obama's impeachment are alive in the House of Representatives.
Over the past seven days, two outspoken GOP lawmakers have come out in opposition to the President'sunconstitutional, anti-gun executive actions.
In addition to Texas Representative Steve Stockman - the first to member of Congress to support impeachment - a second voice has arisen: Representative Trey Radel of Florida.
Responding to Obama's mass of executive actions last Wednesday, Radel said:
Conservative American,
Calls for Barack Obama's impeachment are alive in the House of Representatives.
Over the past seven days, two outspoken GOP lawmakers have come out in opposition to the President'sunconstitutional, anti-gun executive actions.
In addition to Texas Representative Steve Stockman - the first to member of Congress to support impeachment - a second voice has arisen: Representative Trey Radel of Florida.
Responding to Obama's mass of executive actions last Wednesday, Radel said:
"Before Congress has even had a chance to discuss and debate the laws of the land and be the voice for the American people, the President has once again demonstrated his disregard for the Constitution by bypassing lawmakers. In true bipartisan form, I ask: Democrats, what would you do if a Republican President began overstepping his or her powers and trampling on your rights? Executive orders must stop and the debate needs to begin."
Submitted by: Donald Hank
Who Shapes Our Conscience
and defines RIGHT or WRONG in today's corrupt culture? (Part 1)
….We live in a new era! The Bible-trained conscience has largely been replaced by contrary guidelines that twist, scorn or deny God's truth. Some still point to a conscience, but most people redefine it to match today's cultural values and personal inclinations. These examples illustrate the diversity:
· Social Conscience: "Our conscience is not the vessel of eternal verities [Biblical truth]. It grows with our social life, and a new social condition means a radical change in conscience."[2] Walter Lippmann
· National Conscience: "Our concept of governing is...a concept deeply rooted in a set of beliefs firmly etched in the national conscience..."[3]Barbara Jordan
· Bypassing the Conscience: "No art passes our conscience in the way film does, and goes directly to our feelings, deep down into the dark rooms of our souls."[4] Ingmar Bergman
· Mocking the Conscience: "What a man calls his 'conscience' is merely the mental action that follows a sentimental reaction after too much wine or love."[5] Helen Rowland
· Cultural Conscience: (Christian or not): "The conscience of children is formed by the influences that surround them...."[6] Jean Paul Richter
In stark contrast to the above, Martin Luther dared take a stand against the reign of a corrupt and oppressive church back in April 1521. For his uncompromising faith, he was declared an outlaw on May 25. You may remember his words:
Submitted by: Kristy
Are we to be the last generation? Watch and then tell me!
Are we to be the last generation? Watch and then tell me!
URGENT: YOU helped us BLOCK in the U.S. Senate last year a truly terrible appointment to the federal bench: Kagan-clone, pro-abortion, pro- gay marriage Judge William Kayatta – but Obama is at it again!
Obama has already re-nominated 33 judicial candidates, all hard leftists, with Kayatta the pick of the litter. And Senate Democrats and RINOs in the Senate Judiciary Committee are again poised to APPROVE this candidate if YOU don't help STOP them NOW!
Submitted by: Sandra
Get the UN & China out of our country!
Support the Bill to BAN "Agenda 21" in your state!
Get the UN & China out of our country!
Support the Bill to BAN "Agenda 21" in your state!
Got to get this SOB out of the White House !!
For some time, there have been unsubstantiated reports of the Obama administration engaging in clandestine negotiations with China toward satisfying America’s debt to that nation via exchanges of land and resources. Such an arrangement would be illegal and treasonous of course, but given its deportment to date, that would not likely deter this administration.
Also, in the face of having trillions of dollars in debt called by China, and the economic catastrophe that would ensue, it is entirely possible that Obama might request and be granted some manner of dispensation from Congress to legitimize this pact.
This week, I presented substantiation to the aforementioned reports, much to the fear and consternation of most people who became apprised of this phenomenon. Referencing sources that have proven reliable in the past, I cited such things as Chinese military operatives engaging in clandestine “research” within U.S. borders, and assessments of land and resources having been conducted by China in recent years, all with the administration’s approval.
All of this falls well within the parameters of Barack Obama’s long-standing desire to bring America down, as it were, punishing the American people for centuries ofenjoying the spoils of imperialism, colonialism, and oppression, as well as finally bringing this nation under the heel of communism.
It also explains maneuvers that have taken place over the past few years relative to this administration. Given the economic circumstances in which America found itself when Obama took office, many were horrified at his spending $5 trillion during his first term, and decisions that resulted in America’s debt increasing by approximately $10 trillion. Given his objectives, however, what better way to bring about increasing debt pressure than by more spending?
We’re aware that liberal politicians have treated communist China with a marked naïveté going back to the Clinton administration, allowing them inordinate incursion into our ports and commercial infrastructure, and that Obama has been singing China’s praises with regard to their infrastructure and growth since 2008. In 2011, Republican lawmakers voiced concern that the Obama administration was allowing high-ranking Chinese military officials access to sensitive U.S. military installations.
Thus – which came as an outrage, but no surprise to many – it is the Chinese government that is lobbying Obama to disarm the American public. They foresee a time when there will be widespread anger against them for their role in this obscene arrangement, and would rather not have to militarily engage armed Americans over land or resources that they will control, some of which is in America’s heartland. Some perceive Obama’s spirited pursuit of gun control after the Sandy Hook massacre as typical knee-jerk liberal opportunism, but it is far more than that.
As reported previously in this space, despite Obama’s affinity for communism and show of solidarity with the world’s leftists, the Chinese government thinks him a fool, yet they are more than happy to expand their global influence at our expense.
There has been a certain amount of backlash from conservatives given Obama’s pretentious and autocratic pursuit of new firearms regulation, and even from some Republican lawmakers. This week, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) claimed that Obama has “drunk the Kool-Aid… he’s high on his own power,” and that he will “pay the political price” for gun control, predicting 2010-style GOP Senate victories in 2014.
Obama’s definitely high on power, but I wouldn’t count on him paying any price for his policy escapades; considering the course America is on at the moment, there may not be a midterm election in 2014 at all. If there is, the leftist juggernaut of a compromised press, political organization, and outright fraud proved in November 2012 that it can prevail over all logic, common sense, and ostensible fail safes within the American electoral system. As the press continues to maintain the illusion that Obama is simply another American trying to do the right thing, he has been involved in the darkest machinations, some as yet incomprehensible to the average American.
It is a sad irony that the American people are being positioned to suffer most due to the accumulation of debt that irresponsible (and some outright treasonous)government officials racked up in the first place, but such is the lot of those who are ruled rather than governed.
Erik Rush is a New York-born columnist, author and speaker who writes sociopolitical commentary for numerous online and print publications. In February of 2007, Erik was the first to break the story of President (then Senator) Barack Obama’s ties to militant Chicago preacher Rev. Jeremiah Wright on a national level, which ignited a media firestorm that smolders to this day. His latest book, “Negrophilia
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